Thursday, October 31, 2019
Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts - Essay Example The Anatomical Gift Act, drafted in 1968 was the initial effort made in an attempt to give a tissue and organ donation policy (Talbot, 2012). It created a uniform legal procedure for people who wished to donate organs to medical institutions. In this act that is operational in up to fifty states, it states that a person of sound mind and 18 years of age can donate part or all of his body. The donor may put his wish to donate a body part in a will that is operational only upon his death. This act forbade the sale of body parts, but the recipient of the donated body part is to pay for the transportation of the donated organ or body part. Organs and tissues can only be received by surgeons, hospitals, physicians and educational institutions in medical or dental research. There is also a National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 that provides funds for the establishment of organ procurement organization. The act also banned the sale of organs between states and established a task force to en force policy issues regarding organ transplantation. The following body parts can be donated in the United States. They include the heart, kidney, lungs, skin, eyes and the liver. These parts of the body get harvested as soon as one passes on and become implanted onto someone else. Despite the medical and legal mechanisms that encourage organ donation, demand exceeds supply. It gets estimated that there are daily reports of deaths of up to 8 people as a result of waiting for a transplant that never came. On medical conditions associated with each body part to be donated, it is up to the doctor to decide if the body part if fit for transplanting. Regardless of one’s illness when they die, some parts of their body may still get transplanted. Some infectious diseases, drug abuse history and general health of the donor become considered before acceptance of any donation. The lungs of a tobacco smoker may be turned down as chances of them being helpful are so minimal. To avoid suc h a scenario where body parts get rejected, it is crucial to note that an individual has to be healthy and medically fit to allow any of his body part donations. He or she should not have any history of drug use or abuses as this are contributory to rejection of a body part donation (Talbot, 2012). If one has kidney failure, he or she has to go through a process for the acquisition of a donated kidney to be transplanted. Kidney transplantation is the process where there is fixation of a healthy kidney from one person to another. The new kidney replaces the failed kidney. The process of acquisition of a transplant begins as soon as one’s kidney fails. Transplantation as a result of failure depends on one’s condition (Talbot, 2012). Some conditions make it impossible for implants. If implantation is possible, then the patient undergoes medical evaluation at the transplant center. The pre transplant process involves several weeks or even months. X-rays and blood samples g et carried out to ascertain one’s compatibility with the available donated kidneys. Evaluation of one’s health and also of the donor gets done at this stage. Once the patient passes the medical evaluation and is a suitable recipient, but without a donor, then he or she is put on a waiting list for as long as a kidney is there from a dead donor. The length of one’s wait depends on one’s location and the donor’s region (Petersen & Freckelton,2006). The length of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Is There One Best Way to Structure an Organisation Essay Example for Free
Is There One Best Way to Structure an Organisation Essay Organisation is an entity in which people work together to accomplish a set of goals. Organisations have certain pattern of activities, that is, structures. There is no best way to structure an organisation, since the structure is always adapted to best serve the functions of the organisation. The optimal organisational structure is contingent upon both internal (such as strategy, size, and technology) and external situations (such as external environment) – this is referred to as ‘Contingency Theory’. Based on the academic articles as well as the empirical evidence provided, four contingency factors are covered to justify my position, including strategy, technology and innovation, environmental uncertainty, and size. Firstly, strategy is an important contingency of organisational structure. One of the most important features of an organisation is the goal. Organisations utilise different strategies to accomplish their goals, and a variety of organisation structures are adopted to best serve the strategies since an appropriate structure is critical to the effective strategy implementation. In the early 1960s, Chandler developed the contingency model which research on the strategy-structure relationship within companies (Qiu Donaldson 2010), he suggested that the optimal organisational structure is contingent on various factors, including the strategies (Pertusa-Ortega, Molina-AzorÄ ±n Claver-Cortes 2010). In the 1970s, the structural contingency model was extended to multinational corporations (MNCs) (Qiu Donaldson 2010). Based on the research since then, Qiu and Donaldson (2010) constructed the Cubic Contingency Model which incorporates the previous models to propose the structure-strategy fits for nine MNC structures. The nine structures fit for different levels of contingent strategies which mean that the design of the structure of an organisation is highly contingent on the organisation’s strategies. Since the organisation’s strategies are never stagnant and are always adapt to accomplish its goal, there can never be a best structure for an organisation. Pertusa-Ortega, Molina-AzorÄ ±n and Claver-Cortes (2010) approached the relationship between strategy and structure from a different angle – resource-based view (RBV). They argued that organisational structures should be considered as a resource for the development of strategies and a source of competitive advantage. Although this approach differs from Chandler’s, it reinforces the strong connection between strategy and structure that organisational structure influences the competitive strategies. As competitive strategy is constantly adapted to the latest goals of the organisation, the structure needs to be varied accordingly, thus there is not a best structure. Technologies and innovations are important to the organisational process of converting inputs into outputs, thus it is also an important contingency of the organisational structure. Firms adapt their structures to the technology or innovation activity they utilise. Leiponen and Helfat (2011) conducted studies to examine the relationship between the innovation activity and the organisational structure of a company, namely, RD. They examined the two conflicting perspectives on the best structure (centralisation or decentralisation) under which RD was able to achieve greater innovation output. According to knowledge-based view, decentralisation is more effective for updating existing technology as well as acquiring new sources of knowledge. On the other hand, organisational economics argues that centralisation reduces the cost of communication and coordination, thus improves the innovation output. Leiponen and Helfat (2011) incorporated both literatures and concluded that decentralisation served imitative innovation better, whereas centralisation led to greater new-to-market innovation output. Leiponen and Helfat’s research effectively proves that the organisational structures are contingent on technology and innovation; since organisations’ technology and innovation activities differ by their degree of standardisation, there is no best way to structure an organisation. Another contingent factor of organisational structures is the environment. â€Å"Contingency theory holds that individual organisations need to adapt to their internal and external environments in order to survive and thrive†(Qiu and Donaldson 2010, p. 81). Managerial discretion is highly dependent on the organisation’s environment and its level of uncertainty (Ferner et al. 2011). The uncertainty of environment requires high level of flexibility within an organisation. Ferner et al. (2011) examined the relationship between span of control and the organisation’s external and internal environment. Based on the empirical data collected, they made several observations. One of the observation stated that variables such as nationality (external environment) and product standardisation (internal environment) affect the degree of central control in multinational companies. US ownership features with relative centralised control of HR in subsidiaries and standardisation of product tend to cause less subsidiary discretion. These studies reflect the close relationship between external and internal environment and the organisational structure. Furthermore, a research conducted by Nandakumar, Ghobadian and O’Regan (2010) indicated the relationships between the environmental dynamism and the business strategy as well as the organisational structure. They observed that highly dynamic environment favoured the cost-leadership strategy with organic structure whereas lower dynamism favoured the differentiation strategy with mechanistic structure. Thus the structure of an organisation is always adapted to the environment, and there is no best structure. Moreover, the size is another contingency variable influencing the design of organisational structure. Organisations with smaller size tend to be more organic and flexible whereas those with large size have more bureaucracy involved (Bradshaw 2009); larger organisations usually have mechanistic structure with more specialisation, centralisation and departmentalisation. Bradshaw (2009) examined several contingency factors of non-profit organisational structure, including age, size, strategy, environmental stability and so on. Based on the empirical data collected, the size along with organisational age is identified as factors to determine the organisation lifecycle (from founding to mature). Generally, the greater age means greater formalisation and the larger size means a more elaborate organisation structure. Thus, it can be concluded that the organisational structure is also contingent on the organisational size. As size varies according to the companies’ type and strategy, there is no best way to structure an organisation. In conclusion, there is no best way to structure an organisation. The optimal organisational structure is contingent upon various factors including strategy, innovation, environment and size. Due to the variance among organisations in terms of these contingency factors, the structures of different organisations vary. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the internal and external environment of organisations means that the structure of any organisation is always adapted to best serve its goals. Bibliography Bradshaw, P. 2009, ‘A Contingency Approach to Nonprofit Governance’, Nonprofit Management Leadership, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 61-81, viewed 18 March 2012, [EBSCO host / Business Source Premier]. Ferner, A., Tregaskis, O., Edwards, P., Edwards, T., Marginson, P., Adam, D., Meyer, M. 2011, ‘HRM structures and subsidiary discretion in foreign multinationals in the UK’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 483-509. Leiponen, A., Helfat, C.E. 2011, ‘Location, decentralization, and knowledge sources for innovation’, Organization Science, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 641-658. Nandakumar, M.K., Ghobadian, A., O’Regan, N. 2010, ‘Business-level strategy and performance: The moderating effects of environment and structure’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 907- 939, viewed 18 March 2012, [ProQuest Central / Business Source Premier]. Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., Molina-Azorin, J.F.; Claver-Cortes, E. 2010, ‘Competitive strategy, structure and firm performance. A comparison of the resource-based view and the contingency approach’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1282-1303. Qiu, J. Donaldson, L. 2010, ‘The Cubic Contingency Model: Towards a more comprehensive international strategy-structure model’, Journal of General Management, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 81-100.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Its Use To Gain Competitive Advantage Information Technology Essay
Its Use To Gain Competitive Advantage Information Technology Essay Apple founded the computer company in 1976, in the last decade; Apple Company offers a wide range of products which cover from Apple I to MP3, hand phone. In 2001, Apple broke the barrier with the I-Pod, eventually becoming the dominant market leader in music players. As well, Apple joined the phone industry in 2007 with the I-Phone, which has also been widely successful. Apple makes a big contribution to the world and plays an important leader role in the IT industry. Apple is the global company which exports and imports the products and services, like Singapore, China, and HK and so on to access the overseas market. For these various products, Apple targets different groups of people. Such as I-Phone and I-Touch targets the young people; new technology of laptop and computer target business person. So for the various customers, Apple Company does the business through the information technology. The first, Apple set up his own website: The company uses the e-commerce to do business. The advantages of website and the advantages for Apple as following and look through the figure 1 below: Source: Consumers enable search products and services online before making purchases. The website allows products and services to be displayed in front of people without going to market in person and renew in time to fit customers needs and wants. Being found on the Internet will give you an advantage over your competition when they call you instead of the competition. Be able to conduct business when it is convenient for your clients whether it be during the day or in the middle of the night. Your shops will never actually close and run 24 hours. Your customers can shop whenever they are free when you choose an e-commerce website. Customer enables to compare products and find out which suits them best. They just click the mouse then can go through all the products whatever they want. They also can compare with other competitors products. See which one has higher value with lower price; which one has high quality; which one has more advantage than others and so on. E-commerce business can make your competitors customers swift to your products directly. Website becomes a resource of information for the public; consumers can gain the information from website without leaving home. By supplying helpful tips and articles that are relevant to your industry, you will give visitors a reason to come back to your website, so we should set up the powerful website to attract the consumers. Payment can be done electronically. Customer can order online with clicking the mouse, and make a payment via net, master card, visa or even cash etc to make the transaction successfully. Only a few seconds. Low risk of money changing and save a lot of time. E-commerce company that dont need to rent the space or office, do not need to pay the electronic, water bill, do not need to buy the furniture, in addition do need to hire a lot of employees and so on so that can save a large amount of money and reduce expenses to expand the business. E-commerce business refers to the customers directly buy your products from the manufacturers without the middlemen. E-commerce provides the lowest price products for the customers without transaction fee or transportation fess in order to attract more price sensitive consumers to buy and repeat business, repeat profit. Website business with detailed catalog which is the graphic pieces that are used by business to present and clarity their products and services. With an electronic catalog ordering system, the category headings are meaningful to customers, clear heading lead customers to find and also enter what they want directly with clicking the mouse and do not need to waste time with only a few seconds. The Apple Company does the transaction through the Internet. Nowadays not only Apple Company, more and more companies also use the information technology (IT) to do business, it is more convenient, profitable, immediate, and high-tech than normal type of business in the past. 2. (i) What is an emerging technology? Explain why understanding these emerging technologies may be important to organization? (5 marks) Emerging technology refers to technology that is considered innovative it is still developing in capability/capacity. [1] Emerging Technologies are developing technologies often found in the information technology fields. It includes developments in voice recognition software, digital television, interactive television, broadband, wireless Internet, e-commerce software, information technology, man-machine communication, on-demand printing, Bluetooth and video conferencing. This type of new technology will alter the business and social environment. [2] Emerging technology has a drastic impact on society and business. It plays a very significant role in our life. Due to the new technology developing, business has been able to advance in such ways that associates can communicate across the whole world without ever leaving their respective offices, or even do business at home. Like APPLE Company can send and gain information immediately without wasting much time; download important documents from internet; increase the productivity to fit the customers needs and wants; bring transparency and credibility electronic payment so that make the security payment; do not need to hire so many workers and managers instead of high technology; do transaction such as booking or ordering via the internet; get the fast response; reduce the expenses; oversea business even you are in different regions, and a large number of other things. Consider how emerging technology has impacted business in the following ways [3] : Web conferencing As the technology developed at rapid speed every day, more and more companies can communicate all over the world through the internet. Web conferencing is really important and effective for every business areas. Web conferencing provides a chance for business men to hold group meeting or training in real time via the net. Make business save a large amount of money and time while increasing productivity. Most time it will be used in the oversea business. Tele conferencing Tele conferencing is a popular choice for holding meetings, conferences, or others for small business especially local companies. Basically, tele-conferencing is a phone call in which more than two parties involved. Emerging technology has had a dramatic increase on communication in the workplace. Emerging technology can provide more high and good quality products and service for consumers, make the goal of global transaction achieve. Every business should take advantage of this high tech to do their business and make them successful. (ii) Identify in detail at least two emerging technologies you have researched from the internet and other sources like journals and periodicals. Explain their likely impact on our lives in the future. (25 marks) As the economics and technology developed, emerging technology comes out with many types in different areas. New technology comes one by one. It is a part of our life from now. Such as nanotechnology which is very popular and powerful in the world; it is used in many areas like hospital, manufacture etc; also including sixth senses technology. Firstly, I will talk about the NANOTECHNOLOGY in the society. Nanotechnology is an expected future manufacturing technology that will make most products lighter, stronger, cleaner, less expensive and more abstract. It is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. Nanotechnology is not a product like a microchip or an automobile. It is a process that uses the unique properties of materials at the 1-100 nanometer scale to develop new products. Nanotechnology seems be very small product. Nanotechnology has the potential to deeply impact our lives that will benefit at large. Big reduction in heating bills, nano-fluids could increase efficiency instead of using a more powerful pump so that can save energy and provide major environmental benefits. Safer surgery, because during critical surgery, nano-fluids could be used to cool the brain so it requires less oxygen and thereby enhance the patients change of survival and reduce the risk of brain damage and less painful. They could also be used to produce a higher temperature around tumours to kill cancerous cells without affecting nearby healthy cells; The fluids could open the door to the next generation of miniaturized computers, rapid heat dissipation. According to the survey, around 2010, workers will build relationship with systems of nanostructures, directing large numbers of complex components to specified ends. One application could involve the guided self-assembly of Nanoelectronic components into three-dimensional circuits and whole devices. Medicine could employ such systems to improve the tissue compatibility of implants, or to create scaffolds for tissue regeneration, or perhaps even to build artificial organs. [4] After 2015-2020, the field will expand to include molecular Nanosystemsheterogeneous networks in which molecules and supramolecular structures serve as distinct devices. The proteins inside cells work together this way, but whereas biological systems are water-based and markely temperature-sensitive, these molecular nanosystems will be able to operate in a far wider range of environments and should be much faster. Computers and robots could be reduced to extraordinarily small sizes. Medical applications might be as ambitious as new types of genetic therapies and antiaging treatments. New interfaces linking people directly to electronics could change telecommunications. [5] Over time, nanotechnology should benefit every industrial sector and health care field. It also can help the environment through more efficient use of resources and better methods of pollution control. Nanotechnology will have an impact of this magnitude. Next, I will move to another emerging technology Sixth Sense Technology. 3. Explain at least three challenges faced by managers in a typical IT department. You are also required to suggest possible approaches to meet these challenges. (30 marks)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Mathematics - The Fencing Problem :: Math Coursework Mathematics
Fencing Problem A farmer has exactly 1000 meters of fencing and wants to fence of a plot of level land. She is not concerned about the shape of the plot but it must have a perimeter of 1000 m. She wishes to fence of a plot of land that contains the maximum area. I am going to investigate which shape is best for this and why. I am going to start by investigating the different rectangles; all that have a perimeter of 1000 meters. Below are 2 rectangles (not drawn to scale) showing how different shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas. Text Box: 300Text Box: 50[IMAGE][IMAGE] Text Box: 450 Text Box: 200 Below is a table of different rectangles. Height Length ====== Area 10 490 4900 20 480 9600 30 470 14100 40 460 18400 50 450 22500 60 440 26400 70 430 30100 80 420 33600 90 410 36900 100 400 40000 110 390 42900 120 380 45600 130 370 48100 140 360 50400 150 350 52500 160 340 54400 170 330 56100 180 320 57600 190 310 58900 200 300 60000 210 290 60900 220 280 61600 230 270 62100 240 260 62400 250 250 62500 260 240 62400 270
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Extemporaneous speech outline and speech with Cosplay as topic Essay
Specific Speech Purpose: To share to my audience about the cosplay scene in the Philippines and answer inquiries in their minds about cosplay. Statement: Cosplay’s popularity growth is fast and there are lot of questions in the mind of people about cosplay. It’s meaning and reason varies from person to person and there are negativities to it. Introduction Attention Step: â€Å"Cosplay. I know a lot of you have in mind, what is it with cosplay? What do people get from wearing costumes like this and cosplaying? Well, congratulations because today, I give you a mini-introduction to cosplaying which involves it’s meaning, reasons why we cosplay, and the negativities to it.†Clarification Step: â€Å"The reason I chose this topic is that if I have anything to talk about which I know so much about, it’s cosplaying. It’s something that everyone knows I do and something I’ll be confident enough to talk about. Now, if you’ll ask about the credibility of what I’m going to say, I’ve been cosplaying for 5 years and if that’s not long enough to know a lot about cosplaying, I don’t know what length will. As a proof, here’s a compilation of my past cosplays since the year 2008 up to present. But before I move on, I’d like to remind everyone that everything I’m about to say is purely based on my own opinions, observations, and perspective. â€Å" Body I. The meaning of cosplay varies from person to person. â€Å" Now, cosplay. What does it mean when you say cosplay? Well, the meaning of cosplay varies from person to person. Since the latest boom of cosplay , many people have had their own notion of what cosplay means. A. The literal meaning of cosplay is costume play. â€Å"But, its literal meaning is costume play, thus the term cosplay. It is the process of acting out your character and showing to people who it is. This maybe by posing, saying a few lines, doing a catwalk, and much more. Unfortunately, to those who are newly exposed to the hobby, they define cosplay as simply as wearing a costume and that’s it. Cosplay! What they didn’t know is that there is a term for that which cosplayers call ‘costrip’. So, there are common misconceptions about the difference between cosplaying and costripping. In cosplay, since you act out the character, you do it in an event, competition, you join a contest, promote a booth, or program with a specific purpose. While costripping, basically from the word costume + trip but not strip, you just do it because you want to. When you go to a convention, you don’t exactly have to join these competitions, you may opt to stick outside wearing a costume til some people may just want to take a picture of you.†B. Some others perceive cosplay as â€Å"cost-play†. â€Å"Basically because it can be very costly and take up much of your money. A simple costume could range around 500php and those more intricate ones like these range around 20-30 thousand. Of course, that would include the labor and materials.†C. People may do cosplay for a cause thus the term â€Å"cause-play†â€Å"Lastly, some people thinks cosplayers cosplay for a cause thus they term it causeplay. Some events would use cosplay as their main attraction and use it to raise funds, or ask for donations for those that may need it.†II. People have various reasons why they cosplay. â€Å"Now, let’s try to answer some of those questions in mind. Why do people cosplay? What do they get from it? Well, here are the following reasons†A. It is an outlet or a channel of self expression especially for otakus to show their love for an anime, game, or whatever or whoever they are trying to portray. â€Å"First, it is an outlet or a channel of self expression especially for otakus to show their love for an anime, game, or whatever or whoever they are trying to portray. As for me, my love for anime started with the influence of my brother during our childhood which I carried on until I discovered the wonderful world of cosplay. By then, through cosplaying, I show my love for anime. B. Cosplaying gives them a sense of identity which in turn boosts up confidence and self-esteem. â€Å"Second, cosplaying gives a sense of identity. Back in high school, and until now, I’m known by my classmates and friends as the only one who cosplays in our class. Somehow it gives me the identity of â€Å"hey, she’s the cosplayer girl from this block†and it becomes a sort of label to me. And sometimes, this ‘label’ boost up my confidence and self esteem because of my uniqueness in that way, knowing I can do stuffs people don’t normally do. C. Cosplay gives fun and excitement to people, making it become a hobby for some. â€Å"The third reason for cosplaying is that it gives fun and excitement to people, and some of them make it a hobby. Back at my first exposure to a cosplay convention, I was amazed at how the characters that I was just watching at tv, are actually in front of me in real life, I’m like â€Å"Woooaaahh cool!†and so I became interested in cosplaying. Plus, when you really like, or even love something, you really enjoy what you’re doing and you’re excited about it. D. Going to cosplay conventions or events becomes a form of relaxation and â€Å"detox†for them during their free time. â€Å"The fourth reason why some people cosplay or go to conventions is that it makes them feel relaxed, especially when they’re enjoying, and this somehow becomes their detox actvity during their free time. I mean, going out of those tiring school stuffs, or even work, because cosplay is not limited to teenagers only, and rather than staying home, they unstress themselves by going to events. E. The community serves as a way to meet new people, friends, or â€Å"that special someone†. â€Å"Fifth reason, it serves as a way to meet a lot of new people or friends, and sometimes, that special someone. This here, is loki heart, she has been cosplaying over 8 years now and she met her boyfriend through an online game and cosplay convention. Now, they’re married. Who knows? Maybe you could meet your special someone through cosplaying too. F. Some people cosplay for the prize they aim or for the benefit of it like as a source of income or for promotion, and sometimes, just forced to. â€Å"As of now, I don’t really cosplay anymore as a hobby. After several years of cosplaying, events began to seem all the same and boring to me plus I became busy at school works so I don’t really find that much time to cosplay anymore. Some people see me at conventions but that’s only because it’s my part time job wherein I promote the online game Dragon Nest through cosplaying. Having rakets like this or having your costumes rented out can be a good source of income or help for my financial needs as a student. Plus it feels fulfilling since I don’t really ask money from my parents anymore for small expenses I can handle, in turn, I help them in that way, and also, myself.†There are many negative sides to cosplaying or its community. â€Å"But, If you think cosplaying is all fun and stuff, well you’re all wrong because there are negative sides to it too. A. A lot of people get criticized or bashed, especially when they act or look weird. â€Å"The main negativity to it is that a lot of people get criticized or bashed, especially when they act or look weird. People just always have something to say about other people. Some would criticize your costume for not being accurate, that it doesn’t fit you, laugh at you because you look stupid, or just basically because they hate you. Some would bash you because you cosplay a character you don’t know anything about. And some just, thinks you’re weird because it’s all something new or different for them. I dhad this experience once back in high school when my teacher saw me and told me in the exact manner I am going to do it now, ‘adrish, ang weird mo’, then i’m like, uuhh ok is that a compliment or not?, but thank u XD†B. Issues are everywhere, especially when you’re famous. â€Å"Next negativity is that issues are everywhere, especially when you’re famous. Here are pictures of people who have one thing in common. They’re famous, and often constantly given issues maybe because others are insecure about them or just couldn’t stand their presence.†C. Parents and some others think it’s a waste of money, time, and energy. â€Å"Third, One thing about parents, they want what’s best for their children. And that is in terms of studies or things they perceive as good. Other hobbies as costly as cosplaying would look like a waste of money and time to them, thinking that children devote their time to studies rather than these. D. There are people who will try to take advantage of you. â€Å"Lastly, there are always people who will try to take advantage of you. One thing female cosplayers would always be warned about are those pervert photographers who try to get the most out of you. If you know what I mean. Or people who would try to ask to take a pic with you, just to get the opportunity to hold you on the side, sometimes at the butt, or suddenly hug you. Of course, you just have to be mindful and alert to these, and of course, speak out when you are being harassed.†Conclusion Summary Step: â€Å"Anyone can cosplay if they want to. You just have to put in mind the reason you are cosplaying or why you want to and stick to it. â€
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
finding freedom essays
finding freedom essays In both Frederick Douglass The Battle with Mr. Covey and in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the main character finds a force more powerful then he. Not only do they experience physical abuse, they also find themselves mentally beaten. To save themselves, both characters flee in search of freedom. In The Battle with Mr. Covey Douglass portrays a slave struggling for his life. One afternoon, the slaves strength failed him. Despite many attempts at getting up, he couldnt find his feet. Although trying to explain to Mr. Covey what was wrong, Covey gave him a savage kicking the side. He then picked up a hickory slab and hit him over the head. As his physical wounds progressively got worse, he was beginning to be mentally scarred as well. Despite a near death experience, Covey just left him to his fate. This was when Covey realized he had to go to his master. He proceeded to walk seven miles through the woods, making his physical stature even worse. This being his attempt at freedom however, he had to bear the pain. Despite the savage look of Douglass, master Thomas seemed to believe Covey would never hurt him. In his seven miles of walking with unbearable pain, he only received one night away from Covey. Upon the return to Covey, he felt it was time for rebellion. He then made a desperate attempt at freedom by seizing Mr. Covey hard by the throat. He later says that that battle was the turning point for his career as a slave. By showing how the slave found freedom, he truly showed how a slave was made a man. In Mark Twains The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn, a boy struggling mentally and physically, finds himself in search of freedom as Douglass had. The exert opens with Huck living in a home in which civilization is the primary goal. Although he became educated, Pap sho...
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