Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Negative Effects of Smoking - 892 Words
Many people smoke in the United States and in every hour fifty one people die due to smoking which is about one person every minute. Even though smoking is bad it helps the government and the people. Smoking doesn’t kill a person it does more than that. It changes your appearance, health, and affects the people around you. Many people should understand that smoking is not good for their health. One should consider the consequences of smoking. Every time a person smokes they are just pulling the trigger to kill themselves. Smoking cigarettes is very injurious to one’s health. It has many negative effects on a person’s life. Cigarettes have a lot of chemicals in which half of them cause cancer. Also, smoking harms every part of the body and is the main cause of lung cancer. Smoking affects many parts of the body like the immune system, bones, heart, blood vessels, vision, breathing, and the lungs. For example the immune system is the body’s way of protecting itself from diseases and infections which means by smoking it makes one have respiratory infections. It causes a smoker to have diabetes and therefore a person has a higher rate of having type 2 diabetes. One of the other factors which contribute to smoking is that it affects the bones. It weakens the bones and most likely causes them to fracture. Other ways in which smoking affects the heart and blood vessels is the bulging blood vessels that can burst and cause death. Also, one could have high blood pressure andShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Smoking1719 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Smoking causes 1,300 deaths daily in the U.S., and an estimated 5.6 million pre-mature deaths is expected among American youths18 years and younger due to a smoking-related illness if smoking continues at the current rate (CDC, 2017). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently 40 million adult smokers in the U.S. (CDC, 2017), and 763,960 of these residents are from Massachusetts (DPH, 2014). Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer such as those of the cervixRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Smoking1492 Words  | 6 PagesSmoking not only hurts its users, but it hurts whole communities and the economy. Researchers believe that smoking began around 1 BCE, with recreational use becoming a common thing as soon as European settlers reached the Americas in the 15th century (Borio). Throughout the past centuries, tobacco has been used in many different ways. As more methods of utilizing tobacco have become possibilities, their negative effects on their users and other people have increased. In order to make the tobaccoRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking1195 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Cigarettes destroy life. Toxic to the body. We are young generation. Confident for non-smokers.†This is motto of the Army Reserve Command to cultivate reserve officer training corps student and other youth to realize the harm of smoking. What is cigarette? cigarette under the Tobacco Act BE 2509 means that the tobacco or flavored tobacco, whether the drug or drugs to dry the compressed mixed or not. Which the cigarettes made with paper or object made instead of paper or dryRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking1151 Words  | 5 PagesOne of the hardest things in life is saying goodbye to the ones you love for the very last time. Smoking is a life-threatening addiction that has brought this tragedy to millions of families at an accelerated pace and not all have been those who do smoke. No one wants to have to deal with tragedy, but nowadays there may be no way to avoid it. Unless, that is, our government intervenes, and puts something into place to end the threat of Secondhand Smoke exposure. I believe the one thing that can beRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Essay example2027 Words  | 9 Pages1.0 Introduction Smoking is considered a true addiction and is widespread throughout the world between the percentage of smokers at 47% of men and 12% of women who smoke, this causes cardiovascular diseases and deaths are caused by lung cancer and pharynx. Countries with low levels of socio-economic development ranked first in the ranks of the largest number of smokers with more than 15 years. The country sits at 46%, with a prevalence of 35% in people over the age of 15 years. This habit isRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Cigarettes Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesSmoking cigarettes can be very harmful to your life with so many health issues, such as heart disease, cancer and emphysema. Some people think it’s not a huge issue smoking cigarettes but it’s a great way to lose ten years of your life. You lose lots of money, a lifetime of health issues, and cause you to have yellowing of the teeth and bad breath .There is way too many health risks involved to start using this drug. Say no to cigarettes you will be healthier in the end then to continue on this wrongfulRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Smoking In Public Places1157 Words  | 5 Pages Smoking should be banned in public places The government of the United States, should ban smoking in all public places because of the adverse effects of passive smoking on smokers, non-smokers and the environment. In the recent years, the population of people who smoke in the US has significantly increased. People still choose to smoke even when they have adequate knowledge of how unhealthy smoking can be. Smoking is a personal choice for any individual. Moreover, it is a highly addictive habitRead MoreNegative Effects of Smoking on Human Health and the Economy1475 Words  | 6 Pages Moreover, smoking particularly adversely affects womens reproductive health, and smoke exposure on children has had detrimental and some sometimes fatal effects on children. Many studies have examined and outlined the adverse effects of maternal smoking on both the mother as well as on the baby and/or infant ( Hofhuis, de Jongste, Merkus, 2003 Woolbright 1994). Many states such as Alabama required documentation on birth certificates of tobacco use of mothers (Woolbright, 1994). Despite theRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Tobacco Essay examples1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe Negative Effects of Smoking Tobacco One may think they have benefits from smoking because they fit in the crowd. Of course, thats not true. Someone may tell you that if you smoke youll be cool and everyone will like you. Then the crowd that smokes will like you but others may not. Your family may think you are uncool since you smoke. Other friends that you had may start not liking you since they wont want to be around you when you smoke. You might start to rather smoke then beRead MoreReason Why Teenagers Age 13- 18 Years Old from Different Colleges and Universities Engage in Cigarette Smoking Despite Its Negative Effects2166 Words  | 9 PagesEngage Themselves to Smoking A thesis submitted to the Faculty of St. Paul College, Pasig In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research Nicole Therese Ang-Angco Caryl Marie Balagot Cara Dominique Beltran Sheena Sharmaine Estayo Julianne Rose Santarina March 2009 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING A. Research Problem: Reason why teenagers age 13- 18 years old from different colleges and universities engage in cigarette smoking despite its negative effects B. Objectives:
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Michael Jordan Leadership Paper - 1480 Words
Study of a Contemporary leader When sitting down and thinking about a leader that I wanted to write about, and eventually stand up in front of people and talk about was a lot harder of a thing to do than I originally thought. There are so many different types of leaders that people follow and are drawn to, for so many different reasons. Whether those reasons follow a certain beliefs like that of cults and religions, or if they simply follow leaders because they were just born with all of the necessary skills and attributes that helps them relate to people, everyone follows a certain type of leader because of their own personal reasons. This leads me to why I chose my leader to talk about in this paper. Michael Jordan to me is one†¦show more content†¦It wasn’t until his junior year of high school that Jordan finally won a game against his older brothers. But even still, only standing at 5’11 as a sophomore Michael Jordan did not make varsity and had to play on the junior varsity team. This drove him to work even harder because he was fully confident that he could play with the older kids. Every single day after his normal basketball practice, Michael would go home and worked on his game even more, day in and day out. This drive and determination helped him get on the varsity team the next two years. He went on to average 25 points a game his junior and senior year at Laney High School in North Carolina. Michael’s senior year he received the nomination to play in the McDonalds All American Team. Also during his senior season Michael was offered a full ride scholarship by North Carolinas coach Dean Smith to play for the Tar Heels. With Jordan having such a competitive edge, motivation, charisma, and drive he was able to become the most important player on their team, and a strong leader for the players around him. During his time at North Carolina, Michael Jordan led his team to victory in the NCAA Division 1 championship in 1982, when he scored a buzzer beater against Georgetown University to win. Michael Jordan was also recognized as NCAA College Player of the Year in 1983 and again in 1984. Jordan also made his way to his first appearance at theShow MoreRelatedHow Basketball Is A Sport Essay1505 Words  | 7 Pagesindividual will go through hell just to improve a slightest bit because basketball is life for everyone for finds passion in the game. For example, Kobe Bryant, a Los Angeles Lakers Legend, spent most of his life playing professional basketball and Michael Jordan, a living basketball legend, even had his own brand under Nike. Both basketball players are from different era and are unique in their own ways as they both set multiple unbreakable records allowing them to become the face of basketball. SteveRead MoreFunctionalities of a Manager for Being an Exceptional Leader1050 Words  | 4 Pagesfollow. Motivation to work and be productive is the key. This paper looks at what it takes for a manager to be an exceptional leader. The study of leadership has not stayed static in the past hundred years. People have been trying to determine what truly makes an exceptional leader for many years now, so many different theories have evolved in an attempt to explain the concept. Bolden, Gosling, Marturano and Dennison (2003) said that leadership theories have moved from the great man notion of heroicRead MoreECO 365 WEEK 4 presentation paper1403 Words  | 6 Pagesmarket structure your product falls under can help companies develop better competitive strategies and identify potential for loss and gains. The athletic footwear industry in the United States is highly profitable and continuously growing. In this paper I will identify market structure of the athletic footwear industry, the major retailers, and competitive strategies that can be used to maximize profits. History The Athletic shoe industry had its start in 1892 when U.S Rubber company invented KedsRead MoreEssay on How to Evaluate Companies?1061 Words  | 5 Pagesresponsibility, reputation on leadership, governance and the company’s culture (Ethisphere, 2013). These factors in fact are the indicators used by the movement Ethisphere which identifies The World’s Most Ethical (WME) Companies. To define each criterion, business ethics primarily deals on the company’s best practices in terms of adopting an effective program and compliance to standard ethical rules as outlined by the Federal Sentencing guidelines. Reputation and leadership on the other hand looksRead MoreFactors That Contribute Team Cohesion1448 Words  | 6 PagesUsing a psychological lens, this paper will outline the four factors that contribute to overall team cohesion. The four primary factors that will be discussed throughout this paper are: personal, environmental, team and leadership factors. It will address the most important characteristics of a successful team looking at both micro and macro level determinants. This paper will highlight the skills and strategies needed to enhance team cohesion. Introduction In order to be successful in team sportsRead MoreNike Research Paper1947 Words  | 8 PagesNike Research Paper By, Mykle Rud The story of Nike and how it came about is remarkable in the sense of it was just a random idea that Phil Knight (now the CEO of Nike) was forced to come up with because of a business class Phil took at Stanford Graduate College. Now that is just a glimpse of the start of the company that would soon become the top sports apparel and sneaker producer for both male and female genders. I hope by the time this research paper is over you have an appreciation for whatRead More Democracies and Success in War Essay5277 Words  | 22 Pages1800’s, democratic governments tend to be more selective in choosing conflicts to participate in and democracies also have a propensity to win more often than authoritarian regimes. The purpose of this paper is to present a case study to test if democracies fight better wars. The paper will examine Stam and Reiter’s four propositions presented in their book and test the two propositions, political culture and political structure, that the authors suggest have a significant impact on democraciesRead MoreThe Montana Tech Math Bowl1438 Words  | 6 Pagesthat were unable to attend and notified me ahead of time with any important information from the group. Meetings were held on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 4:30 PM. During the meeting, Jacob Simpson and Michael Fryer helped me design the tests for the math bowl event (Fig). Jordan Duffy, Jacob Simpson, Michael Fryer, Jeff Preston, and Kelly Mellott helped get the word out to the math classes. Kelly Mellott also designed the math bowl flyers for the event this year (Fig). Most of the meeting scheduledRead MoreAssignment 1 MGT 5500 Essay examples2227 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿ Assignment 1, The Value of Failure in Leadership Trenise S. Palmer Dr. Laura Poluka MGT 550, Leadership Strategies October 24, 2014 Failure is something that we cannot go through life without experiencing. The best thing about failure is that failure can be used as a great learning experience to improve upon things in our lives and career. Using failure as a learning tool is dependent upon the person and how they view it as well as how they use it. Failure is a matter of perspectiveRead MoreNike s Brand Product Offerings Essay1460 Words  | 6 Pages I’m deciding to do my research paper on Nike. I chose Nike because Nike is a worldwide company. The Company designs, develops and markets footwear, equipment, apparel and accessory products, including the marketing of apparel with licensed professional and college team logos. It is the largest seller of athletic apparel and footwear in the world. The Company sells products through retail stores, Internet sales, licensees and distributors worldwide. The Company produces all of its footwear and apparel
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Marion Free Essays
The Marion nine men were Alexander H. Curtis, Joey Pinch, Thomas Speed, Nickolas Dale, James Childs, Thomas Lee, John Freeman, Nathan Levert and David Harris. They worked to provide an education for black children of Marion. We will write a custom essay sample on The Marion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Curtis was the most influential of the group and later led the push to reorganize Lincoln School into state institution. He was a member of Alabama Legislature for eight years and he loved the respect of his fellow legislators. With Alma Freeman he wrote an essay about Alabama State University and said as efforts to desegregate state college systems increasingly threaten the very survival of higher education for black Americans. Thomas Speed was a 56 year old black smith and North Carolina native who could not read or write, but had gathered some personal property through his business operations. Joseph D. Caver a graduate student in the department of history at Alabama State completed his masters thesis, titled Marion to Montgomery: A Twenty-Year History of Alabama State University, 1867-1887. Which presents a quite scholarly and sensitive analysis and documentation of state. On founders day all faculty and students are expected to be in attendance to uplift the vast works performed by our predecessors in making of ASU. It is our current tradition that the event be held in the Joe L. Reed Acadome. The presidents of Alabama State at the time are William Burns Paterson (1878-1915), John William Beverly (1915-1920), George Washington Trenholm (1920-1925, Harper Councill Trenholm (1925-1962), Levi Watkins (1962-1981), Robert L. Randolph(1981-1983), Leon Howard (1983-1991), Clifford C. Baker (1991-1994), Joe A. Lee (2001-2008) and William Hamilton Harris(1994-200/2008-2012). How to cite The Marion, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Matches “A Band in Hope†free essay sample
The Matches, an underground indie quartet from Oakland, California, brought something different to the table with their debut album, â€Å"E. Van Dahl Killed The Locals.†The new sound has been a breath of fresh air for many music enthusiasts, including me. The follow-up album, â€Å"Decomposer,†was expected to put them on the map, but it was a commercial flop. â€Å"A Band in Hope†is their third studio album. The 14-song CD has a  gentle sway between clinical depression and optimism. Buoyant songs like the first single, â€Å"Wake the Sun,†give off too much positive energy to be  ignored and even the dismal songs have a way of brightening the darkest situations. The Matches’ jazzy bass lines blend with the pop-rock guitar sounds to create a genre all their own. Shawn Harris’s vocals have a unique way of being incredibly deep while having a simple structure. â€Å"With a fistful of change, and absolutely no sense,†(from â€Å"What Katie Said†) is an excellent example. We will write a custom essay sample on The Matches: â€Å"A Band in Hope†or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is said that after the disappointment of â€Å"Decomposer,†the band regrouped and rewrote the entire â€Å"A Band in Hope†album. Dealing with the flop has caused The Matches to mature quickly, which shows in their music. They no longer tell tales of MySpace romances but now sing about being professional musicians and how much commitment it takes. I would definitely recommend The Matches to anyone who enjoys progressive, experimental music. I hope â€Å"A Band in Hope†takes them mainstream.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Become An Expert In Writing Powerful Sentences
Become An Expert In Writing Powerful Sentences At last! You are ready to release all the creative ideas living inside your head and present the world with a real masterpiece. You make inordinate efforts and spend a lot of time to create something original but after finishing it you realize that your composition is a total mess. Does this situation sound familiar to you? Do you want to find out why such kind of thing happens? It is all because you didn`t pay enough attention to the essence and structure of every single sentence of your essay or novel. We are going to share our secrets of how to write a perfect sentence. Where do I begin? At the very beginning, of course. At first, write the perfect first line. The first sentence is the first chance a writer has to capture the attention of the reader. You can do it by starting your composition with a concise statement of truth or eternal principle. Your first sentence will be considered as successful if it establishes your unique voice and is vivid and surprising. How many words should a sentence contain? Keep it concise and short if you want your book or essay to be readable. Overusing long sentences can make the paragraph hard to understand. While the paragraph with short sentences is easier to read, the main idea of the paragraph remains clear. But do not forget to experiment with varies syntax. Before the words slide into their slots, they are just discrete items. It is the syntax that gives them the power to relate to each other in a sequence and carry meaning. It is also essential not to stuff your sentence with unnecessary and superfluous content that can confuse the reader and muddy your intentions. Is spelling important? Everyone can agree that spelling is one of the less interesting and more laborious aspects of writing. However, it is one of the tools that facilitates the effective communication of the writer`s message. Spelling is important because it aids in reading. Poor spelling can create confusion, a loss of clarity and meaning. What makes a bad sentence? If you are a writer, you should do everything possible to win your readers` hearts and minds. That is why you should be aware of the humiliating mistakes that can easily kill your credibility and make your sentence really awful. Here are some of them: subject-verb agreement errors, misplaced or dangling modifier, no comma in a compound sentence, wrong word usage, sentence fragments, comma splice, and vague pronoun reference. Is it ok to use complicated words? Why use a complex word if a simpler one will do? The use of unfamiliar or complex terms interferes with comprehension and slows the readers down. You should always remember that simplicity doesn`t always mean that you`re sacrificing the quality. What is more, in the majority of cases, the use of high-brow language plays tricks on aspiring authors. Because of this reason you should write a sentence that is as clean as a bone that means that it should be understandable for your readers. Bram Stoker, a famous Irish author, once said that ‘we learn from failure, not from success.’ He was definitely right because mistakes make us what we truly are. Writing is tough but if you feel that it is your vocation, then do your best and get better at it with every passing day. Now you know what makes a sentence so effective. But it should be noted that every writer, even the world-famous one, can still make mistakes. You should always bear in mind that readers appreciate fine sentences that have the central idea. So, always look out for sentences that take your breath away and make you say â€Å"What a sentence!â€
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Ad and Ego
The Ad and the Ego Students will never look at an ad the same way again after screening The Ad and the Ego, the first comprehensive examination of advertising and our culture of consumption. The film artfully intercuts clips from hundreds of familiar television ads with insights from Stuart Ewen, Jean Kilbourne, Richard Pollay, Sut Jhally, Bernard McGrane and other noted critics, performing a cultural psychoanalysis of late 20th century America and its principal inhabitants, Consumer Man and Woman. The Ad and the Ego depicts how the market economy has metastasized until today commercialism invades the most intimate aspects of our lives. The average American is exposed to 1500 ads a day. But, like the air we breathe, we pay advertising little attention preferring to believe we're impervious to it. Scholars point out that advertising's constant stream of messages forms the neural network of a consumer society integrating individual psychology, mass culture and commodity production. As the film progresses, we begin to perceive how ads for Nike, Calvin Klein, Oil of Olay, and Suzuki are selling more than products. As Jean Kilbourne argues, they sell us values, concepts of love and sexuality, romance and success, a sense of identity, above all, what is "normal." Leading media critics demonstrate how living in an advertisement infused environment creates a psychology of need, massaging our anxieties, doubts, and discontents, creating a boundless hunger for more things. One message you'll never hear in an ad, sociologist Bernard McGrane observes, is "You're OK." The Ad and the Ego traces advertising's development from its largely descriptive 19th century origins through today's ads which eschew rational arguments for symbols and imagery playing directly to our emotions. Sut Jhally describes ads as "the dream life of our culture" and explains the persuasive techniques they use to invest commodities with powerful prop... Free Essays on Ad and Ego Free Essays on Ad and Ego The Ad and the Ego Students will never look at an ad the same way again after screening The Ad and the Ego, the first comprehensive examination of advertising and our culture of consumption. The film artfully intercuts clips from hundreds of familiar television ads with insights from Stuart Ewen, Jean Kilbourne, Richard Pollay, Sut Jhally, Bernard McGrane and other noted critics, performing a cultural psychoanalysis of late 20th century America and its principal inhabitants, Consumer Man and Woman. The Ad and the Ego depicts how the market economy has metastasized until today commercialism invades the most intimate aspects of our lives. The average American is exposed to 1500 ads a day. But, like the air we breathe, we pay advertising little attention preferring to believe we're impervious to it. Scholars point out that advertising's constant stream of messages forms the neural network of a consumer society integrating individual psychology, mass culture and commodity production. As the film progresses, we begin to perceive how ads for Nike, Calvin Klein, Oil of Olay, and Suzuki are selling more than products. As Jean Kilbourne argues, they sell us values, concepts of love and sexuality, romance and success, a sense of identity, above all, what is "normal." Leading media critics demonstrate how living in an advertisement infused environment creates a psychology of need, massaging our anxieties, doubts, and discontents, creating a boundless hunger for more things. One message you'll never hear in an ad, sociologist Bernard McGrane observes, is "You're OK." The Ad and the Ego traces advertising's development from its largely descriptive 19th century origins through today's ads which eschew rational arguments for symbols and imagery playing directly to our emotions. Sut Jhally describes ads as "the dream life of our culture" and explains the persuasive techniques they use to invest commodities with powerful prop...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Consumer Behaviour Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing Consumer Behaviour Theories - Essay Example The positive or negative attitude towards the product is also based on behavioral traits of the consumers. The consumers purchase the product based on their perception of those particular objects after acquiring data from various relevant sources. Consumers of different market possess different buying behaviors and expectations from the product or brand. In this paper, the concept and theories of consumer behavior in the marketing environment will be highlighted properly. It has been illustrated that how the consumer behaves in a particular situation and how their behavior gets altered while purchasing a product. The literature review of the consumer behavior will be explained briefly and the consumer behavior of Pepsi and Coca Cola in Australian marketing environment will be cited as an illustration. 2.0 Issues, Theories, and ConceCoca-Consumer Behaviour Consumer behavior encompasses cognitive, effective in addition to the behavioral reaction of consumers towards products as well as services, and also the response of consumers to the marketing of products along with services (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, n.d.). It is the decision making the process of consumers and the involvement of their activities in obtaining, assessing, using and disposing of goods as well as services. Consumer behavior refers to as a complex, multidimensional along with the dynamic process and also the marketing decisions which are taken based on the assumptions related to consumer behavior (New Age International, n.d.). The consumers on the basis of their needs adjust the purchasing behavior of them. Consumers randomly choose the product and in every selection, certain implications are incorporated in them. The buying decision is taken to satisfy the need of the consumers. Prestige is also considered as one of the intangible needs because a few individuals purchase certain products depending on their status in the society (Reference for Business, 2011). The factors which act as a significa nt role while influencing consumer buying behavior are cultural factors, social factors, psychological factors and personal factors (Scribd, 2011). Culture has an influence on the ‘impulsive buying behavior’ of a person. The theory of individualism, as well as collectivism, facilitates to have a better understanding of the phenomenon of an ‘impulsive buying behavior’ of a consumer (Kacen & Lee, 2002). The culture of the society has an influence on the buying behavior of an individual because human beings are largely affected by social factors which may include family, friends, clubs, and others. The individuals from these factors understand and learn perceptions, values and their behavior patterns. The social class of an individual is influenced by several other variables such as income, occupation, values, and education (Wilson & Gilligan, 2005). In addition, social factors also have an impact on the buying behavior of a person. Various factors include fam ily, reference groups, status along with the social role. The reference groups include primary membership group, secondary membership groups, aspirational group and dissociative groups.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Impact of social media on marketing strategies Dissertation
Impact of social media on marketing strategies - Dissertation Example Thank you very much Daisytan. Contents TABLE OF FIGURE 7 Abstract 8 1.INTRODUCTION 9 1.1.Overview 9 1.2.Background Of The Study 10 1.3.Significance of the study 12 1.4.Research Questions 12 1.5.Aims and Objectives of the Research 13 1.6.Structure of thesis 13 2.Literature Review: 15 2.1.Introduction 15 2.2.The 21st century Paradigm: 15 2.3.Ecommerce and Supply chain 16 2.4.Information Technology: 19 2.5.Unifying the competitive strategy with supply chain strategy: 20 2.6.E-businesses: 21 2.7.Ecommerce and developing countries 23 2.8.Consumer behavior and Ecommerce in Saudi Arabia 26 2.9. Summary 28 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: 29 3.1. Introduction: 29 3.2. Research Overview: 29 3.3. Research Approach 31 3.4. Research Strategy: 32 3.5. Research Philosophy: 32 3.6. Research Method: 33 3.7. Data Collection and Analysis: 34 3.8. Sampling Methods: 34 3.9. Reliability of Research: 35 3.10. Validity of Research: 35 3.11. Summary: 35 4. ANALYSIS 37 4.1. Introduction 37 4.2. Analysis Of Questionn aire 37 Question 37 4.3. Focus group: 55 5. Conclusions: 62 5.1. Summary Of The Findings 62 5.2. Recommendations for the researcher: 66 5.3. Recommendations to Saudi Post: 68 5.4. Recommendation for further Research 70 5.5. Limitations of the research study 70 6. References 72 7. Appendix 80 TABLE OF FIGURE Figure 4. 1: Access to technology 33 Figure 4. 2: Awareness of shopping online 34 Figure 4. 3: Ratio of people how have ever purchased online 35 Figure 4. 4: Preference of shopping online 36 Figure 4. 5: Physically touching of product is important or not 37 Figure 4. 6: Products can be found easily on the internet or not 39 Figure 4. 7: Factors influencing online shopping 42 Figure 4. 8: Is shopping online safe 46 Figure 4. 10: Is it more convenient to shop online 47 Abstract This research study analyses the trend of online shopping in Saudi Arabia. The research study has been aimed at the introduction of e-mall, an online store by Saudi Arabia and this research study analysed th e challenges that the management of Saudi Post would face as they are introducing this online store. The research study has been conducted using the primary as well as secondary data. To conduct this research, online surveys have been conducted and 200 respondents participated in the survey. After the survey, the interested candidates were invited for the focus group session. This research analyses the how successful e-mall can be in Saudi Arabia and the research shows that Saudi Post faces several challenges in order to build trust and convince people of Saudi Arabia to shop online. CHAPTER #1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview E-mall is an online store where customers can buy a diverse range of goods online. People can purchase different kinds of products and services from e-mall throughout Saudi Arabia. With the advancement of technology, the trend of purchasing goods and services has been changed and now the buyers are seeking more convenient and suitable ways to buy goods and servic es. The revolution in E-industry has also brought innovations in the mind of buyers and sellers
Monday, November 18, 2019
Health Care Management Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health Care Management Program - Essay Example Health Care Management Program Some of the best mentors and leadership role models whom she has worked with at prior institutions have helped excel Ms. Webb in providing her with a plethora of best practices, creating learning environments, and pushing her limits and boundaries. She seems to be very grateful for that. For example, some of the main services included in the field of healthcare management are preventative care, emergency services, and follow-up and rehabilitation. Without effective management, the coordination of healthcare services and improvement in the health of patients is not possible. Therefore, healthcare practitioners and concerned authorities need to design an effective healthcare management system in order to ensure provision of best health facilities to people. This course is set up to explain the definition of healthcare management and the roles a healthcare manager represents within the industry. A healthcare manager has the most critical role to play in ensuring the wellbeing of patients. He/she is the one who is responsible for provision of the highest quality health services to patients using all available resources. The purpose of this assignment to gain an insight into the way a health care manager effectively uses their resources related to finance, human retention , human resources, and strategic services. The goal of this assignment given to us is to gain an insight into the way healthcare managers understand their professional practice in terms of a business, as well as to know what efforts they can do to improve the health of patients. ... lar business needs to have an in-depth understanding of all core issues related to the business, as well as of all internal and external business issues in order to run the business successfully. The manager is the person who is mainly responsible for all ups and downs of the business. Therefore, managers must be competent enough to ensure growth of the business. In case of healthcare industry, the managers of healthcare organizations need to have all leadership skills and abilities, as well as advanced professional experience to accomplish the organization’s goals, objectives, and mission successfully (Flynn et al. 2007). To complete this assignment, I visited Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHC) on Monday, September 23, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. to interview Ms. Dianna Webb who is the Business Manager of the said organization. During interview, I discussed and understood her professional duties and responsibilities in her current position at Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHC) located at 13123 East 16th Avenue, B300, Aurora, CO 80045. Ms. Webb’s direct line is (303) 724-2357. Ms. Webb’s educational background includes a BS in Biology from Michigan State University where she set her professional goals to become an OBGYN. However, after shadowing her brother’s pathway to become a physician, she decided to go for something else. Therefore, she began working on obtaining a master’s degree at Cornell to help her professional track with a position in midlevel or executive hospital management where she could lead a department. Her professional job responsibilities at this position include planning budgets, evaluating staff, writing and overseeing quality and patient services. She further told me that she entailed more responsibilities while moving up with her career. For
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Public Concern About Indoor Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay
Public Concern About Indoor Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Nowadays, public concern about indoor air pollution and its effects on health among community still in a weak level. Many of them did not realize the present of indoor air pollution on their surroundings. Principal categories of indoor air pollutants consist of combustion products, chemical products, radon, and biological agents. Indoor air pollution refers to the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of air in the indoor environment within a home, building, or an institution or commercial facility. People spend more of their time indoor and additional time inside vehicles hence, they are more exposed to indoor air pollution compared to outdoor air pollution. Scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other public and office buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air thus attracted expanded research on this topic. An indoor air pollutant comes from variety sources. Most homes have more than one source that contributes to indoor air problems (Saravanan, 2004). Today, indoor air pollution caused by burning of traditional solid fuels such as woodfuel, agricultural residues, and dried animal dung in unvented cookstoves in rural areas of developing countries is not much different from that of the past (Oanh and Hung, 2005) . The most common sources of indoor air pollution are environment tobacco smoke. The mixture of smoke comes from cigarette and exhaled by smoker which contain more than 4000 compounds and can lead to cancer. Radon also one of the indoor air pollutant and the most common is uranium. Radon gas enters homes through dirt floor, cracks in concrete walls and floor, floor drains and sump pumps. Radon also can cause cancer. Combustion product which comes from woodstoves, fireplaces, gas stoves and unvented kerosene is the sources of indoor air pollution. All of these can produce carbon d ioxide, nitrogen dioxide and particles. Lead comes from lead-based paint, contaminated soil and dust and drinking water. At the high level of lead can cause coma and even death. Lead has been identified as one of the indoor air pollution sources. Many of us did not realize that every day we inhaled polluted air and it originated from our own house. Many household products has been a causes of this problem because its contain organics chemical. All of these products can release organic compounds when using them. One of the most common indoor air pollutants called biological pollutants. There are many types which include dust from mites, bacteria, viruses, molds, pollen and animal dander. Formaldehydes come from the pressed wood products and furniture made with these pressed wood products also indoor air pollutant. Formaldehyde emissions will generally decrease as product age. When the products are new, high indoor temperature or humidity can cause increased released of formaldehyde f rom these products. Next pollutant sources are asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral fiber that has been used widely as building construction materials for insulation and as a fire-retardant. After they are inhaled, they can remain and accumulate in the lung. It can give bad effect to the respiratory system. Other source of indoor air pollutant comes from pesticides. It also include products control insect, termites, radon, fungi, and microbes. Many people spend 80-90% of their lives indoors, thus the high level of indoor air pollutants increases the personal exposure and subsequent health effects, which probably has more impact than exposure to ambient air (Oanh and Hung, 2005). In addition, those who are more exposed in a longer periods and often to indoor air pollutants has a high probability to influence in suffering from respiratory or cardiovascular disease especially children. Evidence shows that long-term exposure to indoor air pollution can leads to serious respiratory illness. Indoor air pollution can lead to many harmful health effect primarily involve respiratory system. Exposure to indoor air pollution can cause both acute (short term) and chronic (long term) health effect. Acute health effect is sudden and severe exposure and rapid absorption of the substance which can cause eye irritation, headache and nausea. Chronic health effect is characterized repeated exposure of many days, month, or years and the sympt oms may not be immediately appearance such as cancer. The most common effects are lung cancer and heart problem. The seriousness of effects depends on the levels of indoor pollutants, the exposure period, and the nature of the pollutants. (Oanh and Hung 2005). Mitigation step should be taken in order to reduce the effect of indoor air pollution and protect people from further damage of health. This can be done by eliminating or controlling the sources of pollution such as the uses of household product. We can eliminate or limit the uses of this product in our house. We also should increase the ventilation system in our house, office, or any building to make the movement of air to inside or outside and good air exchange rate. Then, we can also install air cleaning devices such as exhaust fan in kitchens and bathrooms. This mitigation effort also should be taken by government especially to conduct or control the emission of greenhouse gases from factories or vehicles which also can contribute to the indoor air pollution by introducing products or devices. For example catalytic converter to the vehicles and for industries, the scrubbers and electrostatic precipitator or electrostatic air cleaner. All of these devices can help and bringing air pollution under control. Catalytic converter is used by automobile manufacturers to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in a cars exhaust. The converter contains a catalyst that oxidized these compounds to carbon dioxide and water. For industries, scrubbers and precipitators are used. Scrubber systems are a diverse group of air pollution control devices that can be used to remove some particulate or gaseous from industrial exhaust streams. Its work by use liquid or a dry reagent to scrub unwanted pollutants from the stream. Scrubbers are one of the primary devices that control gaseous emission to the air. An electrostatic precipitator is a particulate collection device that removes particulates from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic charge. They are highly efficient filtration devices that minimally impede the flow of gases through the device, and can easily remove fine particulate matter from the air stream. The target in conducting this research proposal is to identify the sources of indoor air pollution because most of the people still did not know what is indoor air pollution and what sources has cause this pollution. This research proposal also has been proposed to observe the effect of indoor air pollution to the human health as the previous research shows that mostly people did not realize that the illness that they get are from the indoor air pollutants. And last objective of this research is to study the solutions in reducing the effect of indoor air pollution to human health since the health problem caused by indoor air pollution increased lately, many mitigation effect should be recognize and practice in order to detect and reduce the indoor air pollutant sources. The important of this research proposal is to open the eyes of mostly people who are still did not know about the indoor air pollution, the sources and the bad effect of this pollution. Besides that, by doing this research proposal, we can spread and tell people the information of indoor air pollution and provide them the best ways to mitigate this pollution and also to recognize and reduce this pollutant sources in their daily life. OBJECTIVES To identify the sources of indoor air pollution. To observe the effect of indoor air pollution to the human health. To study the solutions in reducing the effect of indoor air pollution to human health. LITERATURE REVIEW Component of literature review:- Introduction There are many research have been made by many researchers about the indoor air pollution. May of the state that the indoor air pollution can occurs in the rooms, houses or buildings that did not have a balance rate of exchange of indoor air and outdoor air. The research on indoor air pollution has been done by John in 2000 and he stated that the indoor air quality (IAQ) in any building can be compromised by microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria), chemicals (such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde), allergens, or any mass or energy stressor that can induce health effects. Based on this statement, we can know a little bit about what are actually indoor air pollution and its characteristics. As many of us spend the greater times of our lives indoor, thus the indoor environment of homes and offices is often more seriously polluted than the outdoor atmosphere. This makes the risks to health may be greater due to the higher contents of indoor air pollutants than the outdoor air pollutants. Research by Saravanan in 2004 found that the major sources of indoor air pollution are those that release gas and particles into air, and inadequate ventilation makes the situation much worse. In this research also states some of the major factors that determine the quality of indoor air such as:- The nature of outdoor air quality around the building. The air exchange rate of the building (ventilation). The materials used in the construction of the building (presence of chemicals). The activities that go on inside the building (cleaning, cooking, heating etc.). Use of household chemicals. Another study done by Lizaridis in 2011 also states that people spent about 85% of their time indoors and additional 3% inside vehicles. Which means that no inside homes or building people can get indoor air pollution, but also inside the cars or vehicles, therefore people are exposed to gaseous air pollutants and particulate matter from both outdoor sources and through infiltration of outdoor air and indoor sources. She also state that the content of indoor air pollution inside homes, buildings, cars or vehicles may have different composition and possibly different toxicities. High toxicities can cause harmful and bad effect to human health especially respiratory system illness. Another study done by Kamaruzzaman and Sabrani in 2011. Researchers have found that pollutants in indoor air occur more regularly and at higher concentrations than in outdoor air. Therefore, it is clear that indoor air has created major source for environmental exposure to air pollutants rather than outdoor. The air quality inside buildings, homes and vehicles are affected and influences by many factors. In an effort to conserve energy, modern building and homes design has favoured tighter structures with low rates of ventilation which can caused unbalances exchange of air to inside and outside. Pollutant sources of indoor air pollution Study done by Syazwan in 2009 found that the factor that contributed to indoor air pollution is poor maintenance and services of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. These factors can increase indoor air pollution level in homes and building. Ventilation play important role in the house or building because it regulate and control the flow of air into and outside. The exchange of air should be balance. Saravanan study in year 2004 shows that indoor air pollution generated by many sources includes from inside and outside the homes and building. There are many sources of pollutant indoor air pollution we generate everyday in our daily life. The important indoor air pollutants are generated by burning of oil, gas, kerosene, wood and tobacco products or produced by building materials, furnishings, wet or damp carpets, household chemical products, air conditioner, dehumidifiers and outdoor sources comes from radon and pesticides. Many study and research by researchers found that inadequate ventilation can increase indoor air pollution level because there is no sufficient air movement to dilute the emissions from indoor sources and carry them out of homes. The more it accumulates inside homes or building, the higher the level of indoor air pollution. All of these can give bad effect to our health. Most common indoor air pollutant stated in the study done by Saravanan are tobacco smoking, biological contaminants, indoor combustion, volatile organic compounds (VOC), radon, formaldehyde, particulate matter, pesticides, and lead. Smokers easily exhaled their smokes to the surrounding without knowing that the smokes are really dangerous to others people health. this is because, tobacco smoke contains a complex mixture of over 4000 compounds, more that 40 of which are known to cause cancer, and as many are strong irritants. Smoking inside the home and building caused for large amounts of indoor pollutants. Besides that, cigarette smoke is another source of formaldehyde. Biological contaminants include pollen, bacteria, fungal spores, mildew and many more. All of these can be produced by unbalanced humidity inside homes and building. Other sources are indoor combustion such as combustion of fuels like kerosene, oil, gas and many more. It can contribute to the concentration of volatil e organic compounds inside the homes and building. Volatile organic compound includes aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Many organic compounds are emitted from construction materials, furnishings and consumer products such as latex paints. Radon became most famous contributes to indoor air pollutants nowadays. Commonly, radon enters homes through well water, penetrates through cracks in buildings and then released into the indoor atmosphere. Radon mostly associated with radioactivity inside the building and homes. Formaldehydes come from many sources. It come from tobacco smoking, it also comes from particle boards, plywood, urea formaldehydes foam and furniture. Other sources of indoor air pollutant are pesticides comes from moth repellants, insecticides termiticides and others pesticides. These products can pollute indoor air. Next is lead. Lead also dangerous and can lead to indoor air pollution. It comes from lead based paint, contaminated soil and contaminated water. Studies of indoor air pollution in cities done by Spengler and Soczek in 1984 shows that indoor air pollution levels sometimes exceed those outdoor because of the presence of significant indoor sources-fuel burning appliances, tobacco smoking, household chemical use, etc. Studies done by Oanh and Hung characterized sources of indoor air pollution into certain categories which consists of combustion products, chemical products, radon, and biological agents. The accumulation of the products and materials into high concentration can be cause by inadequate ventilations. Indoor air pollutants can directly emitted from many sources basically from house activities such as cooking by cookstoves, heaters, tobacco smoking, building materials and pest control chemicals. Indoor air pollutants also emitted from outdoor but from different sources such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) from photochemical industries or vehicles. Effect of indoor air pollution to human health Many researches state the consequences of indoor air pollution especially to our respiratory systems in their research. Buchman has done his study in 1992 and state that indoor air pollution also can cause subsequent in societal and economical conditions. In economic issues, multimillion dollar lawsuits have been reported for compensation for improper ventilation system in building and house and there are many building renovation in order to increase the efficiency of ventilation system. Only after many cases are recognized which caused by indoor air pollution, they realized that how really important is the proper and efficient ventilation system in homes and building. As we know that ventilation system is important to balance the rate of air movement to inside and outside the homes and building. Oanh and Hung also has a same opinion with Buchman, 1992 and states that indoor air pollution will cause subsequent societal and economical conditions. Same description about compensation and renovation of building that may affect economic sectors. Others are stress about the effect of this pollution to human health. Oanh and Hung states in their study in 2005 that the effect of indoor air pollutants to the health may be experienced soon after the exposure or, possibly, years later. This effect called chronic effect and acute effect. Chronic effect characterized repeated exposure of many days, months, or years and the symptoms may not be immediately appearance. Acute effect is the sudden and severe exposure and rapid absorption of the substance and the effect may be experience soon after the exposure. Immediate and short-term effects, including irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue, may be observed after a single exposure or repeated exposures. T hese effects are normally treatable and sometimes the treatment is simply elimination of the exposure to the pollution sources. Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and humidifier fever, may also show up soon after exposure to certain indoor air pollutants. The longer-term effects can be severely weakening or fatal; they include some respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer. Besides that, in this research, the writer states a few prominent cases related to the indoor air pollution. First is Legionnaires disease which has been identified in 1976. This disease shows pneumonialike symptoms such as high fever, headache, lung consolidation, respiratory failure and death. The diseases are found has been caused by rod-shaped bacteria. The outbreak of the disease in the 1976 Legion convention was linked to aerosols drifting from a cooling tower (of the central air conditioning system) of the hotel, Oanh and Hung, 2005. Cooling towers, whirlpool b aths, showers and respiratory equipment is the example of aerosol-producing devices which can spread the disease. The bacteria also can cause another nonpneumonic and nonfatal disease like Pontiac fever. By treat cooling tower and evaporative condenser water with biocidal chemical, the transmission of this disease can be slower and can be control. Other disease that has been mention by Oanh and Hung in their research is sick building syndrome. The symptoms of this disease are of nonspecific nature like headache, eye, and nose irritation, respiratory diseases (throat irritation, shortness of breath), neurotoxic disease (dizziness), and general fatigue and malaise. But, the symptoms cannot be traced to specific sources. The major causes of this disease have been identified such as inadequate ventilation, chemical contamination, and microbial contamination. The most recent causes are inadequate ventilation. Oanh and Hung also stated few specific indoor air pollution and its health effe ct such as radon, tobacco smoking, asbestos, biological contamination, pollutants from combustion sources and other indoor air pollutants. Uranium is an example of radon and it is a noble gas which is colourless, odorless and the radioactive. It is produced by the decaying process in soil or rock. Usually, radon can be found above the homes or floor and can enter to the indoor environment by crack floor, floor drains and sumps. It also can enter homes by water well. Radon can gives chronic health effect and its shows no immediate effect after the exposure but usually radon disease are related to the lung cancer. As people know that tobacco smoke contain over 4000 compound and more than 40 of which are known to give harmful effect to humans or animals health such as cancer. A few examples of tobacco smoke compounds are nicotine, acrolein, cyanide, nitrosamines and so on. The tobacco smoking can give effect not only the smoker itself but also to the who inhaled back what the tobacco s mokers has exhaled after them inhaled the cigarette. The worst effect is to the people who inhaled back what the smoker has exhaled. It is because of the synergistic effects of the toxic pollutants present in the smoke with other indoor air pollutants such as combustion products and biological contaminations. The effect is more to the respiratory illness such as lung cancer, cardiovascular and broncho-pulmonary disease. The health effects of tobacco smoking on smoker are respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer and other cancers. Next sources pollutants are asbestos which is widely used as roof and ceiling as it is resistance to heat and fire for insulation and fire protection. Asbestos also can be found in older homes, pipe and furnace materials, asbestos shingles mildboard, textured paints and other coating materials and floor tiles. Health effects of asbestos fibers depend on chemical and physical characteristics such as size, number and surface charge, Oanh and Hung, 2005. There are four related disease to asbestos exposure; lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis, and nonmalingnant pleural disease. The symptoms of this effect do not show immediately after the initial exposure and this is called chronic effect. Examples of biological contaminants are molds, mildews, pollens, viruses, bacteria, animal dander and dusts. The famous effects of biological contaminants are allergens. Some of the symptoms of health effects include sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness, tiredness, fever and digestive problems. Children, elderly people, and people with breathing problems, allergies and lung disease are particularly susceptible to disease-causing biological agents in the indoor air, Oanh and Hung, 2005. In addition, the most dangerous and powerful biological agents are house dust mites which grow in damp and warm environments. This agent can cause asthma. Next sources of indoor air pollutants are pollutants from combustion s ources. Combustion sources of indoor air pollution include open cooking fires, tobacco smoking, unvented cookstoves and space heaters and vented appliances with improperly installed flue pipes, Oanh and Hung, 2005. These pollutants can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and trachea, bronchus and lung cancer. Other indoor air pollutants such as are ozone and lead also has been most concern pollutants nowadays. Ozone indoors may release from office and domestic equipment such as photocopying machines, commercial electrostatic air cleaners and ion generators. Ozone can cause damage to lung and other respiratory functions. The exposure of ozone also can cause nose and throat irritation and chest constriction. Lead can be used in paint, gasoline, water pipes and others. Lead affects practically all systems within the body Oanh and Hung, 2005. At high concentration and accumulations of lead can caused convultions, coma, and even death. Lower concentration of lead can give effect to brain, central nervous system, blood cells and kidneys. The effect of lead can be adverse to fetuses and young children such as delays in physical and mental development, lower IQ levels, shortened attention spans and increased behavioral problems. Usually, children are more risk in having lead exposure than adults because lead are easily absorbed in growing tissues and the tissues of small children are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead. Lead in house dust is considered to be the major risk factor for high lead levels in blood in children, Oanh and Hung, 2005. Smith done his research on the urban air pollution and cigarette smoking in 1986 found the several classes of ill health that could be expected from the types and the levels of air pollution exposure in the villager houses. The classes includes:- Chronic obstructive lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and associated heart conditions such as cor pulmonale, which is pathological enlargement of the right side of the heart because of resistance to blood flow through the lungs. Acute respiratory diseases because the respiratory system is less able to protect itself against infection. Low birth weights and associated elevated mortality and morbidity of several sorts in infants born of mothers exposed during pregnancy. Respiratory system cancers, particularly of the lung. These classes can categorized the level of health conditions among the villagers. These 4 classes of ill health are dangerous if there are no action is taken in order to reduce or prevent the increasing of indoor air pollution inside their house or building. Torrest-Duque in 2008 states that in 2000, indoor air pollution was responsible for over 1.6 million deaths and about 3% of the global burden of disease. Of the deaths, acute respiratory infections accounted for 59% and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases almost 41%, leaving lung cancer as a relatively minor contributor. This shows that health diseases related to the respiratory system has been increased and caused by indoor air pollution. The record shows the evidence to the people about how dangerous is indoor air pollution to the human health and it can cause not only cancer but also can cause death. Other global burden of disease includes HIV and AIDS, tobacco smoking, obesity and indoor air pollution also one of the list. Preventive measure Without knowing where the sources come, we cannot prevent the pollution from occurs. By knowing the sources and where it comes, we can find the effective ways in order to reduce and prevent it turn worst in our daily life activities. Oanh and Hung in their studies state that awareness of the type and number of potential sources is the most important step in effort to reduce indoor air pollution and stated it as a task for indoor air pollution management. First, we should diagnosing indoor air quality problems in our homes or buildings. We can diagnosing it by using several steps such as the symptoms of health effects, potential indoor air pollution sources, life styles and activities and the indications of ventilation problems. By looking at these characteristics, we can know whether there is indoor air pollution in the homes or building. Examples of symptom of health are eyes irritations, dizziness, headache and etc. Potential indoor air pollutions sources include construction mater ials of homes or building such as roof made of asbestos. Life style and activities such as uses of cooking sources can indicate the presence of indoor air pollution. And also the efficiency of ventilation systems in building or homes can determine the level of indoor air pollution. After diagnosing indoor air quality problems in building, we can proceed either monitoring indoor air or control strategies which are more to solving problem. There are three step that are stated by Oanh and Hung in their studies. First is ventilation. Ventilation is really important things that we should give more intention. This is because ventilation plays important role in control our air regulation rates in homes or building. Every houses and building has to have a good and efficient ventilation system to control air rates and comfort environment inside houses and buildings. Next preference step is source management and exposure control. Oanh and Hung said that reduction of indoor air pollution level can be achieved through the source emission reduction, reduction of pollutants inflow from outdoors and increase outflow of pollutants from indoors and increase of air pollutant sinks. However, we cannot totally eliminate the sources and it may not be practical. The third step is air cleaner. But, indoor air cleaning is helpful only in combination with efforts to remove the sources. Besides that, Oanh and Hung also state the management of indoor pollutant sources such as radon, tobacco smoke, combustion product in homes, asbestos, organic pollutants from household products, pollutants from household chemicals, and etc. In the way to mitigate the transmission of radon to the indoor environment, the proper design of houses during the construction should be considered. This can prevent the entering of radon to the residences. The techniques that applicable is the selection of construction sites with low permeable soil, modification of sites by removing high-radium-containing subsoil, or cover the ground surface with low-radium-containing soil, which has high resistance to soil gas flow, and designing houses with minimum radon exposure. 3 techniques stated can be considered during the construction of houses. For the existing houses, also should have some modification on their houses design to minimize the exposure of radon. First is use of diffusion barrier/sealants made of nonpermeable material to seal cracks to prevent the flow of radon. Second is the use of suction fans to exhaust soil gas from beneath building and substructure to prevent the entry of radon into basement and the third techniques is house pressurization to create outward airflow direction. The best way to prevent the emission of tobacco smoke in house or public buildings is by ban the smoking. Besides that, we also should increase the ventilation systems in the places which smoking takes place. But, this mitigation effort only reduces the gas emission from the tobacco smoking and not eliminates it. A next source of indoor air pollutant is combustion products in homes. The sources are from the combustion appliances cooking and heating devices. The sources can be controlled from emitted more indoor air pollutants such as uses of cleaner fuels and clear-burning devices, optimization of operation and maintenance of appliances, and installation of proper flue gas system to vent out smoke. Besides that, by replaced oil and gas stoves or woodstoves with electrical appliances for cooking and space heating will produce cleaner air to the indoor environment. Oanh and Hung also provide mitigation step for asbestos. Asbest os or asbestos-containing materials (ACM) can produce dust and particles that can easily inhaled by human respiratory. Asbestos usually use as roof on houses or building and the best way to reduce and prevent the contribution of this sources to indoor air pollution, we should avoid the uses of asbestos in construction of airtight, roof or ceiling of our houses. Besides that, the periodical inspection should be conducted for any damage of ACM. Next sources are organic-pollutants from household materials. The preventive measure should be started by the manufacturer of the household products by produce more safe products. Consumers also should know and avoid from use the product which is emitted the indoor air pollutant. Oanh and Hung stated 5 prevention measure by consumer for reduction emission of indoor air pollutant sources; evaluate and select low-VOC-impact building materials and products, precondition materials such as carpets and furniture, to minimize emissions before installa tion, install building materials and products based on their VOC decay rates(aging), ventilate buildings during and after installation of new materials and products and delay occupancy until VOC concentrations has been reduced adequately. Pollutants from household chemical such as pesticides, wood preservatives, air fresheners and etc also one of the indoor air pollutants sources. Oanh and Hung stated that the proper choice of chemical formulations, appropriate application method, application rate, and practices can greatly reduce the hazards associated with these chemicals. Saravanan also mention about the same mitigation steps in reducing and prevent the increasing of indoor air pollution in his studies in 2004. His stress on the eliminating or controlling the sources of pollution in homes, apartment and offices. Same like others researches, Saravanan said that ventilation system is important devices in controlling indoor air pollution and it can be done by increasing ventilation and installing air-cleaning devices. His also mention that we should take other necessary precautions to minimize and eliminate the effect of this pollution
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Interconnected :: Biodiversity Science Biology Essays
Interconnected â€Å"Loving nature is not the same as understanding it.†Like the majority of the human race, Harriet in Gary Larson’s [JH1] book, There’s a Hair in my Dirt, â€Å"‘not only [misunderstand] the things she saw – vilifying some creatures while romanticizing others, - but also her connection to them’†(Larson 1998). The human race is one big Harriet; we see what is on the surface and never truly understand what lies beneath because we fail to even look. In order to understand ourselves, we must first understand what makes us and shapes us. Perhaps this is why we should understand biodiversity and the effects it has on us and science. All living things need each other to survive. We need the trees to breathe, they need us to produce CO2 for photosynthesis, and they also need the worms to cultivate the land for rich soil. Hence, we could imply that we need the worms to breathe. It’s more than that, though. The whole concept of biology, or even science, revolves around the intricate connections between all of its aspects. We need to understand biodiversity to understand our connections to all living things. In order to understand biodiversity we need to use systematics. In order to understand systematics we need to understand taxonomy, phylogeny, evolution and all the other parts. Every part of who we are is saturated in everything around us and yet we do not even try to take the time to absorb a drop of it. Despite the fact that we consider ourselves to be the most intelligent of the species living on this planet today, our egos and independence, our ignorance and manipulation, allow the understanding of our very existence on this earth to pass us by. In order to truly understand who we are, we need to come nose to nose with the earthworms. In understanding biodiversity, we will be able to harvest the benefits that come from it. Not only will we be able to understand our connections with all living things, but our connection with the environment as well. Interconnected :: Biodiversity Science Biology Essays Interconnected â€Å"Loving nature is not the same as understanding it.†Like the majority of the human race, Harriet in Gary Larson’s [JH1] book, There’s a Hair in my Dirt, â€Å"‘not only [misunderstand] the things she saw – vilifying some creatures while romanticizing others, - but also her connection to them’†(Larson 1998). The human race is one big Harriet; we see what is on the surface and never truly understand what lies beneath because we fail to even look. In order to understand ourselves, we must first understand what makes us and shapes us. Perhaps this is why we should understand biodiversity and the effects it has on us and science. All living things need each other to survive. We need the trees to breathe, they need us to produce CO2 for photosynthesis, and they also need the worms to cultivate the land for rich soil. Hence, we could imply that we need the worms to breathe. It’s more than that, though. The whole concept of biology, or even science, revolves around the intricate connections between all of its aspects. We need to understand biodiversity to understand our connections to all living things. In order to understand biodiversity we need to use systematics. In order to understand systematics we need to understand taxonomy, phylogeny, evolution and all the other parts. Every part of who we are is saturated in everything around us and yet we do not even try to take the time to absorb a drop of it. Despite the fact that we consider ourselves to be the most intelligent of the species living on this planet today, our egos and independence, our ignorance and manipulation, allow the understanding of our very existence on this earth to pass us by. In order to truly understand who we are, we need to come nose to nose with the earthworms. In understanding biodiversity, we will be able to harvest the benefits that come from it. Not only will we be able to understand our connections with all living things, but our connection with the environment as well.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sport’s marketing as a career
In order to apply for any job opening one needs to have a resume of its own which is a summary of the education, skills and experience of an individual. It is one of the ways of screening job applicants therefore it is very important for a person to have a resume that is presentable and up to the mark. There are mainly three different formats of writing a resume, However there is no fixed pattern and it depends on an individual that which one does he chooses depending on the industry and ones own comfort.The different forms are as follows:Chronological Resume: This is the one of the most commonly used style which outlines the work experience in a reverse order, starting off from the most recent job towards the first one. This is best for those applicants who have a strong work history. Functional Resume: This type of resume focuses on individuals skills based on the job function. Combination Resume: This is somewhat a balance between the chronological and functional format resumes. I t states the skills and the experience of an individual first and then the employment history.This format is relatively used less than the other two. I have used the Chronological format in my resume. I chose this since I have been associated with reputable organizations and this would give a quick and easy overview to my employer of my career path and achievements in a chronological manner as it sorts out the experience by date and highlights my most recent developments. Question 2 Sport’s marketing as a career Sports’ marketing is a career for those individuals who have the passion for Sports and who want to integrate this love with the business.There are ideal jobs in this field since the entire media and television network these days is devoted towards the coverage of sports and the sporting events. The industry is dependent on the corporate sponsorships and the marketing in order to cover the huge costs of athletes, coaches and other related employees. Some of the jobs in this field are like working to acquire events sponsorships, becoming a sport marketing agent, event planner, event broker, event marketer, and work for sponsor created events and then there are opportunities on a global scale as well such as the Olympics and the world cup soccer.In future the employment opportunities in this field are expected to rise as competition would be intense. This is a kind of a field where you can enter without any formal training, however in order to excel it is always better to acquire a degree in sports marketing. To start of with it is better to do some internship in this field after the education. Not all the colleges but still there are numerous universities that have added this degree in their undergraduate program due to the rising scope of this field and the interest of students. Some of the students offering this program areThis is just the general salary range of a typical sport marketing employee; however this range can vary depending o n the industry, and the competition and individual skills of a person. Below is the salary range of a typical marketing person. Career as a Graphic designer Graphic designers are artists who use their creativity to find solutions to problems through illustrations, colors, photography, animations and numerous other layout and print techniques. They use computer software packages to aid them in their work. In order to become a graphic designer and to enter this field the best way is to acquire a degree in this area of study.One can also acquire it after completing a course in some other program. The bachelors level programs and associate degrees are offered in many universities and colleges nowadays, it is a 2-3 years of program. Apart from the qualifications these individuals need to be very creative so they can communicate their ideas effectively on paper, verbally or visually. Some of the jobs that a graphic designer can undertake are such as a creative/art director, layout artist, logo designer, flash designer, multimedia designer, web designer, brand identity designer and so on. I would like to pursue my career in Sports marketing in the coming future.This job suits my temperament and is an area of interest for me. Moreover this multibillion sports industry is full of opportunities and is growing huge with the passage of time and offering attractive salary packages. I have been associated with the admission department of my university recently and I have done management related job too in the past, I also have a degree in management and an experience of organizing, planning and control. I have leadership qualities and can lead a team therefore I believe this job in sports marketing would suit me. I want to see myself as the director of some sport marketing company in the future.There is a long way to go and I am looking for the right kind of job and opportunity to enter this field and as soon as I get one I would switch my jobs. Tip Sheet †¢ Internet i s a place where one can find thousands of job opportunities at one time from all over the world. It connects the employer with the potential employees. †¢ It can be very frustrating and time consuming looking for the appropriate career guide and job hunting sites. †¢ It is important to be ware of the well known career networking websites. Use a good search engine in order to locate all the top sites for jobs and companies.†¢ Linkedln is one site that connects professionals in 200 countries and has executives from the fortune 500 companies as its members, and then there is Xing which is mainly popular in China and Europe. †¢ Create a professional and impressive networking profile because first impression is the last impression on the employer who is looking for an applicant online. †¢ Always have a resume that is ready to send †¢ Try to be strategic by timing yourself and use the valuable time effectively rather than getting distracted on sites. †¢ Use professional name, email and business phone in order to interact in professional networking†¢ Do not make cold contacts. First build a relationship with the potential employer that too with someone with common interest. †¢ The photograph on the online profile should be of the person whose profile it is and it should be in formal business attire. †¢ You should see all the jobs available †¢ The use of suitable search words makes the work much quicker and lead to efficient job searching †¢ It is advisable to save your searches as it will save your time in future †¢ Smaller websites have relatively fewer job offerings but at the same time they have less competition for jobs. ReferencesGraphic Designers. (2007, Dec 17). Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Bureau of Labot Statistics Web site: http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos090. htm Graphic Design jobs, descriptions, design careers advice. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Design: Talkboard Web site: http://www. des igntalkboard. com/design-articles/job-descriptions. php GRAPHIC DESIGN: A CAREER GUIDE. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from AIGA Web site: http://www. aiga. org/content. cfm/guide-whatisgraphicdesign Hoover, Amy; White, Mary Gormandy Careers in Sports Marketing. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Love to know Web site: http://jobs.lovetoknow. com/Careers_in_Sports_Marketing Jones, Emily Career Networking and the Internet: Networking Tips for the Digital Age. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Suite101. com Web site: http://job-search. suite101. com/article. cfm/career_networking_and_the_internet PayScale – Marketing Managers. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Simply Hired Web site: http://www. payscale. com/af/calc. aspx? af=2385&src=SH1&job=Sports%20Marketing&city=&state= Sports Marketing Salaries. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from Simply Hired Web site: http://www. simplyhired. com/a/salary/search/q-Sports+Marketing
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Louis Abdul Farrakhan
Louis Abdul Farrakhan American religious leader, head of the Nation of Islam, a black religious organization in the United States that combines some of the practices and beliefs of Islam with a philosophy of black separatism. Farrakhan preaches the virtues of personal responsibility, especially for black men, and advocates black self-sufficiency. Farrakhan's message has appealed primarily to urban blacks and draws on a long history of black nationalists who have called for black self-reliance in the face of economic injustice and white racism. His more inflammatory remarks have caused critics to claim that he has appealed to black racism and anti-Semitism to promote his views. Born Louis Eugene Wolcott in New York City, Farrakhan grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended Winston-Salem Teacher's College in North Carolina, and worked as a nightclub singer in the early 1950s. In 1955 Malcolm X, a minister for the Nation of Islam, convinced Wolcott to join the organization. Wolcott dropped his last name and became known as Minister Louis X. The practice of dropping surnames is common among black Muslims, who often view them as names that were imposed on slaves and handed down over the years by white society. He later adopted the name Abdul Haleem Farrakhan and came to be known as Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan's speaking and singing abilities helped him to rise to prominence within the Nation of Islam, and he led the group's mosque in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1963 a split developed between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam, and Malcolm X was suspended as a minister. Malcolm X had become increasingly dissatisfied with the group's failure to participate in the growing Civil Rights Movement, and Muhammad seemed threatened by the growing popularity of Malcolm X. Farrakhan sided with Muhammad in this dispute. In 1964 Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam and formed a new group, the Organizat... Free Essays on Louis Abdul Farrakhan Free Essays on Louis Abdul Farrakhan Louis Abdul Farrakhan American religious leader, head of the Nation of Islam, a black religious organization in the United States that combines some of the practices and beliefs of Islam with a philosophy of black separatism. Farrakhan preaches the virtues of personal responsibility, especially for black men, and advocates black self-sufficiency. Farrakhan's message has appealed primarily to urban blacks and draws on a long history of black nationalists who have called for black self-reliance in the face of economic injustice and white racism. His more inflammatory remarks have caused critics to claim that he has appealed to black racism and anti-Semitism to promote his views. Born Louis Eugene Wolcott in New York City, Farrakhan grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended Winston-Salem Teacher's College in North Carolina, and worked as a nightclub singer in the early 1950s. In 1955 Malcolm X, a minister for the Nation of Islam, convinced Wolcott to join the organization. Wolcott dropped his last name and became known as Minister Louis X. The practice of dropping surnames is common among black Muslims, who often view them as names that were imposed on slaves and handed down over the years by white society. He later adopted the name Abdul Haleem Farrakhan and came to be known as Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan's speaking and singing abilities helped him to rise to prominence within the Nation of Islam, and he led the group's mosque in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1963 a split developed between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam, and Malcolm X was suspended as a minister. Malcolm X had become increasingly dissatisfied with the group's failure to participate in the growing Civil Rights Movement, and Muhammad seemed threatened by the growing popularity of Malcolm X. Farrakhan sided with Muhammad in this dispute. In 1964 Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam and formed a new group, the Organizat...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Spanish Phrases Using Sangre
Spanish Phrases Using Sangre Blood has long been a symbol of life, so it shouldnt come as a surprise that the Spanish word for blood, sangre, makes itself into a wide variety of phrases, many of which have little to do with blood in a literal sense. One such phrase - sangre azul, meaning blue blood - has even made its way into English in the form of blue-blooded. As a term referring to someone from higher social levels, the Spanish phrase originally referred to the visible blood veins of people with fair complexion. The following are some of the most common sangre phrases along with an example each of their usage. Alguien in these phrases means someone, while algo means something. Spanish Phrases Referring To Blood chuparle a alguien la sangre (literally, to suck the blood out of someone): to bleed someone dry. El sector pà ºblico es el drcula que chupa la sangre de este paà s. The public sector is the Dracula that is bleeding this country dry.helar la sangre (literally, to freeze the blood): to scare stiff, to curdle the blood. No es una gran pelà cula pero tiene un montà ³n de sustos y uno en concreto me helà ³ la sangre. It isnt a great film, but it has a ton of frightening moments and one of them in particular scared me spitless.No llegà ³ la sangre al rà o (literally, the blood didnt arrive at the river): Things didnt get all that bad. Pero no llegà ³ la sangre al rà o y con el paso de los meses, Federico volvià ³ a casa. But it didnt turn out all that bad, and with the passage of the months, Federico returned home.llevar algo en la sangre (literally, to carry something in the blood): to have something in ones blood. Mi hijo lleva la mà ºsica en la sangre. My son has music i n his blood.quemar la sangre a alguien (literally, to scald someones blood): to make someones blood boil; to cause someone to be extremely angry. Me quemaba la sangre cuando salà del cine. My blood was boiling when I left the movie theater. (The verb encender can be used instead of quemar.) de sangre caliente: warm-blooded. Con algunas excepciones, todos los mamà feros y aves son de sangre caliente. With some exceptions, all mammals and birds are warm-blooded.de sangre frà a: cold-blooded. No se sabe si los pterosaurios eran animales de sangre frà a. It is unknown whether pterosaurs were cold-blooded animals.de sangre ligera (literally, thin-blooded): having a likable personality. Aquà descubrir el espà ritu jovial de los habitantes, gente de sangre ligera que vive con una actitud positiva. Here you will discover the cheerful spirit of the inhabitants, a likable people who live with a positive attitude. (This term is used primarily in Central and South America. The opposite term is de sangre pesada.)sudar sangre: to sweat blood, to put forth an extraordinary effort. Te prometo que sudarà © sangre, si es necesario, para llevarte hacia mi lado. I promise you that I will sweat blood, if necessary, to bring you to my side.tener mala sangre (literally, to have ba d blood): to have bad intentions, to be evil. Se necesita tener mala sangre para crear un virus destructivo. You have to be malicious to create a destructive virus. tener sangre de horchata (literally, to have the blood of horchata, a beverage often made from almonds, rice or tiger nuts): to be extremely calm, to have no feelings, to have the blood of a turnip. Normalmente en este tipo de situaciones tiene sangre de horchata. Normally under these circumstances hes very calm. (In some regions, the word atole, a corn-based drink, is used.)no tener sangre en las venas. (literally, to not have blood in the veins): for someone to not have any life (usually used figuratively in reference to emotions). El que pueda permanecer imperturbable y no baile con esta seleccià ³n es porque no tiene sangre en las venas. Anyone who can just stay still and not dance to this piece doesnt have any life in him.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Strategic Analysis & Planning 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Strategic Analysis & Planning 2 - Coursework Example This report analyses British Airways’ competitive position and, through audit of the firm’s resources and value systems, determines how the company might achieve growth effectively in what is a rather mature and low-growth market. The report primarily analyses the operations function of the business to best analyse its most potent competitive advantages and opportunities for strategic growth. British Airways now pursues a cost leadership position against major competition. The airline industry in Europe is characterised by many price-sensitive consumers that select low-frills airlines as a means of satisfying their own budgetary needs. The ability of BA to control costs allows the airline to keep ticket prices lower for these price-sensitive buyers in an environment where price wars continue to improve market share for smaller competition (Payne, McDonald and Frow 2011). Predominantly, BA had maintained a reputation for being a high-priced airline company, however the firm better controls its operating costs in order to provide lower fares in an effort to compete with these growing and influential budget carriers (Smith 2013). Where BA maintains its cost leadership advantages is in operation cost controls. This cost leadership strategy is maintaining a lower price to value ratio, or satisfying customers by offering prices that are satisfactory for the value they receive (Thompson, et al. 2010; Murray 1988). Primarily, cost leadership as a new competitive strategy is achieved through economies of scale, cost-related advantages that are realised through size, scope of the firm and through scale of service production (Truett and Truett 2007). British Airways maintains the capacity and hub capabilities that allow the firm to turn around different European flights very quickly. BA maintains a total fleet size of 292 planes and maintains its own, self-owned and self-managed maintenance division that allows for
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Diagnosis of United Parcel Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Diagnosis of United Parcel Service - Essay Example 3). In line with this matter, managers and/or organizational leaders will have to brain-storm with the purpose of developing an intervention plan that will effectively solve a particular organizational problem. In the absence of conducting organizational diagnosis, business organizations are unlikely to be able to determine organizational problems which serve as a bottle-neck within the organizational functions. 1 Force Field Analysis (1951) is simple to understand and easy to use since the model enables diagnosticians to identify environmental factors that can either drives or restrain the organization from achieving its goals. By going through the process of identifying and eliminating the restraining factors, managers will be able to ensure that organizational goals remain attainable within the shortest possible time (Falleta, p . 5). Aside from complementing the SWOT analysis, the use of Force Field Analysis makes it easy for diagnosticians quantify the available resources and facilitators that can affect the organizational performance (Austrac e-learning). However, this model is limited in addressing factors related to business structure and human resources such as customs, habits, attitude among others (Austrac e-learning). 2 Just like the Force Field Analysis, Leavitt’s Model (1965) is also easy and simple to use. By identifying and analyzing the four factors known as: (1) organizational structure; (2) technology; (3) people; and (4) tasks, diagnosticians can easily determine factors that negatively affects the efficiency of the organizational flow. (Falleta, p. 6) The only difference between the Force Field Analysis and Leavitt’s Model is that Force Field Analysis focuses on analyzing environmental driving forces whereas Leavitt’s Model identifies internal variables. 3 Also similar to Force Field Analysis, the Open
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts - Essay Example The Anatomical Gift Act, drafted in 1968 was the initial effort made in an attempt to give a tissue and organ donation policy (Talbot, 2012). It created a uniform legal procedure for people who wished to donate organs to medical institutions. In this act that is operational in up to fifty states, it states that a person of sound mind and 18 years of age can donate part or all of his body. The donor may put his wish to donate a body part in a will that is operational only upon his death. This act forbade the sale of body parts, but the recipient of the donated body part is to pay for the transportation of the donated organ or body part. Organs and tissues can only be received by surgeons, hospitals, physicians and educational institutions in medical or dental research. There is also a National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 that provides funds for the establishment of organ procurement organization. The act also banned the sale of organs between states and established a task force to en force policy issues regarding organ transplantation. The following body parts can be donated in the United States. They include the heart, kidney, lungs, skin, eyes and the liver. These parts of the body get harvested as soon as one passes on and become implanted onto someone else. Despite the medical and legal mechanisms that encourage organ donation, demand exceeds supply. It gets estimated that there are daily reports of deaths of up to 8 people as a result of waiting for a transplant that never came. On medical conditions associated with each body part to be donated, it is up to the doctor to decide if the body part if fit for transplanting. Regardless of one’s illness when they die, some parts of their body may still get transplanted. Some infectious diseases, drug abuse history and general health of the donor become considered before acceptance of any donation. The lungs of a tobacco smoker may be turned down as chances of them being helpful are so minimal. To avoid suc h a scenario where body parts get rejected, it is crucial to note that an individual has to be healthy and medically fit to allow any of his body part donations. He or she should not have any history of drug use or abuses as this are contributory to rejection of a body part donation (Talbot, 2012). If one has kidney failure, he or she has to go through a process for the acquisition of a donated kidney to be transplanted. Kidney transplantation is the process where there is fixation of a healthy kidney from one person to another. The new kidney replaces the failed kidney. The process of acquisition of a transplant begins as soon as one’s kidney fails. Transplantation as a result of failure depends on one’s condition (Talbot, 2012). Some conditions make it impossible for implants. If implantation is possible, then the patient undergoes medical evaluation at the transplant center. The pre transplant process involves several weeks or even months. X-rays and blood samples g et carried out to ascertain one’s compatibility with the available donated kidneys. Evaluation of one’s health and also of the donor gets done at this stage. Once the patient passes the medical evaluation and is a suitable recipient, but without a donor, then he or she is put on a waiting list for as long as a kidney is there from a dead donor. The length of one’s wait depends on one’s location and the donor’s region (Petersen & Freckelton,2006). The length of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Is There One Best Way to Structure an Organisation Essay Example for Free
Is There One Best Way to Structure an Organisation Essay Organisation is an entity in which people work together to accomplish a set of goals. Organisations have certain pattern of activities, that is, structures. There is no best way to structure an organisation, since the structure is always adapted to best serve the functions of the organisation. The optimal organisational structure is contingent upon both internal (such as strategy, size, and technology) and external situations (such as external environment) – this is referred to as ‘Contingency Theory’. Based on the academic articles as well as the empirical evidence provided, four contingency factors are covered to justify my position, including strategy, technology and innovation, environmental uncertainty, and size. Firstly, strategy is an important contingency of organisational structure. One of the most important features of an organisation is the goal. Organisations utilise different strategies to accomplish their goals, and a variety of organisation structures are adopted to best serve the strategies since an appropriate structure is critical to the effective strategy implementation. In the early 1960s, Chandler developed the contingency model which research on the strategy-structure relationship within companies (Qiu Donaldson 2010), he suggested that the optimal organisational structure is contingent on various factors, including the strategies (Pertusa-Ortega, Molina-AzorÄ ±n Claver-Cortes 2010). In the 1970s, the structural contingency model was extended to multinational corporations (MNCs) (Qiu Donaldson 2010). Based on the research since then, Qiu and Donaldson (2010) constructed the Cubic Contingency Model which incorporates the previous models to propose the structure-strategy fits for nine MNC structures. The nine structures fit for different levels of contingent strategies which mean that the design of the structure of an organisation is highly contingent on the organisation’s strategies. Since the organisation’s strategies are never stagnant and are always adapt to accomplish its goal, there can never be a best structure for an organisation. Pertusa-Ortega, Molina-AzorÄ ±n and Claver-Cortes (2010) approached the relationship between strategy and structure from a different angle – resource-based view (RBV). They argued that organisational structures should be considered as a resource for the development of strategies and a source of competitive advantage. Although this approach differs from Chandler’s, it reinforces the strong connection between strategy and structure that organisational structure influences the competitive strategies. As competitive strategy is constantly adapted to the latest goals of the organisation, the structure needs to be varied accordingly, thus there is not a best structure. Technologies and innovations are important to the organisational process of converting inputs into outputs, thus it is also an important contingency of the organisational structure. Firms adapt their structures to the technology or innovation activity they utilise. Leiponen and Helfat (2011) conducted studies to examine the relationship between the innovation activity and the organisational structure of a company, namely, RD. They examined the two conflicting perspectives on the best structure (centralisation or decentralisation) under which RD was able to achieve greater innovation output. According to knowledge-based view, decentralisation is more effective for updating existing technology as well as acquiring new sources of knowledge. On the other hand, organisational economics argues that centralisation reduces the cost of communication and coordination, thus improves the innovation output. Leiponen and Helfat (2011) incorporated both literatures and concluded that decentralisation served imitative innovation better, whereas centralisation led to greater new-to-market innovation output. Leiponen and Helfat’s research effectively proves that the organisational structures are contingent on technology and innovation; since organisations’ technology and innovation activities differ by their degree of standardisation, there is no best way to structure an organisation. Another contingent factor of organisational structures is the environment. â€Å"Contingency theory holds that individual organisations need to adapt to their internal and external environments in order to survive and thrive†(Qiu and Donaldson 2010, p. 81). Managerial discretion is highly dependent on the organisation’s environment and its level of uncertainty (Ferner et al. 2011). The uncertainty of environment requires high level of flexibility within an organisation. Ferner et al. (2011) examined the relationship between span of control and the organisation’s external and internal environment. Based on the empirical data collected, they made several observations. One of the observation stated that variables such as nationality (external environment) and product standardisation (internal environment) affect the degree of central control in multinational companies. US ownership features with relative centralised control of HR in subsidiaries and standardisation of product tend to cause less subsidiary discretion. These studies reflect the close relationship between external and internal environment and the organisational structure. Furthermore, a research conducted by Nandakumar, Ghobadian and O’Regan (2010) indicated the relationships between the environmental dynamism and the business strategy as well as the organisational structure. They observed that highly dynamic environment favoured the cost-leadership strategy with organic structure whereas lower dynamism favoured the differentiation strategy with mechanistic structure. Thus the structure of an organisation is always adapted to the environment, and there is no best structure. Moreover, the size is another contingency variable influencing the design of organisational structure. Organisations with smaller size tend to be more organic and flexible whereas those with large size have more bureaucracy involved (Bradshaw 2009); larger organisations usually have mechanistic structure with more specialisation, centralisation and departmentalisation. Bradshaw (2009) examined several contingency factors of non-profit organisational structure, including age, size, strategy, environmental stability and so on. Based on the empirical data collected, the size along with organisational age is identified as factors to determine the organisation lifecycle (from founding to mature). Generally, the greater age means greater formalisation and the larger size means a more elaborate organisation structure. Thus, it can be concluded that the organisational structure is also contingent on the organisational size. As size varies according to the companies’ type and strategy, there is no best way to structure an organisation. In conclusion, there is no best way to structure an organisation. The optimal organisational structure is contingent upon various factors including strategy, innovation, environment and size. Due to the variance among organisations in terms of these contingency factors, the structures of different organisations vary. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the internal and external environment of organisations means that the structure of any organisation is always adapted to best serve its goals. Bibliography Bradshaw, P. 2009, ‘A Contingency Approach to Nonprofit Governance’, Nonprofit Management Leadership, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 61-81, viewed 18 March 2012, [EBSCO host / Business Source Premier]. Ferner, A., Tregaskis, O., Edwards, P., Edwards, T., Marginson, P., Adam, D., Meyer, M. 2011, ‘HRM structures and subsidiary discretion in foreign multinationals in the UK’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 483-509. Leiponen, A., Helfat, C.E. 2011, ‘Location, decentralization, and knowledge sources for innovation’, Organization Science, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 641-658. Nandakumar, M.K., Ghobadian, A., O’Regan, N. 2010, ‘Business-level strategy and performance: The moderating effects of environment and structure’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 907- 939, viewed 18 March 2012, [ProQuest Central / Business Source Premier]. Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., Molina-Azorin, J.F.; Claver-Cortes, E. 2010, ‘Competitive strategy, structure and firm performance. A comparison of the resource-based view and the contingency approach’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1282-1303. Qiu, J. Donaldson, L. 2010, ‘The Cubic Contingency Model: Towards a more comprehensive international strategy-structure model’, Journal of General Management, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 81-100.
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